~ Spiderman Bed-Sheets ~

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Summary: Tom is spending the festive season at his parents house when he gets struck with the dreaded Man-flu!

The month of December, the month were Michael Bublé comes put of hibernation, when the Christmas decorations make their way out of the attic, and the month were Man-flu strikes hard! And the Holland family was no exception.

"Mum, have you seen my Spiderman bed-sheets?" Paddy asked his mother, Nikki Holland herself, who was in the kitchen stirring a pot of chicken soup.

"Ask your brother." She said pointing the spoon over in the direction of the sofa, Tom was lying face down with a massive duvet crushing him. And covering that massive duvet were the spiderman bed-sheets that Paddy was looking for.

"They were mine before *sniff* they were yours." Tom croaked out in defence, they were so comfortable.

"Can I have them back? The other ones are too scratchy." Paddy whined as he sat down on the arm of the sofa.

"You're *cough cough* such a diva!" Tom said as he grabbed the sides and wrapped himself tighter, he felt like a sushi roll.

"She says!" Nikki called out from the kitchen, she had been waiting on her eldest son all day. She loved him but not when he had Man-flu, all men turn into divas with the dreaded illness.

"Give the boy a break, Love. Look how frail he is!" Dom said as he put down his newspaper to point at the sick lump on the sofa, he felt very sorry for him. He knew how crippling this illness was, he felt for him on so many levels.

"Dad, can I snuggle with *cough* Tessa now?" Tom asked as he reached an arm out of his cocoon, slowly opening and closing his fist for the family dog. She was currently lounging on Dominic's lap, warming up in front of the fire.

"I wouldn't bother her, Tom. She's had a hard day." Dom said before scratching the staffie behind the ears, Tessa just grunted as if she agreed and closed her eyes for a kip.

Paddy had slipped from the arm of the sofa onto the actual cushions, Tom moved his feet into his younger brothers lap. Paddy took the end of the duvet and tried to pull it over the both of them, but Tom quickly protested.

"I'm *sniff sniff* nod giving you my sheets." He said, deciding to curl his legs up to his chest instead. Paddy huffed and slumped further into the cushions, he gave up.

"Lunch is almost ready!" Nikki called out as she poured the soup into four bowls, Sam and Harry were out Christmas shopping so they wouldn't be dining with them today. Nikki had now decided that to save her the trouble of cooking different foods, they would all settle for just soup, she personally didn't mind because it was warming on a winter's day and she hoped that Tom would appreciate it.

"Danks Mum." He said as he took the bowl, shivering like a broken soldier returning from war as he hunched over to eat.

"Are you can manage or do you want me to feed you?" She joked. Tom just rolled his eyes at the comment, maybe a little too far into his skull as his headache spiked a little, causing him to whimper.

"Flu sucks." Tom huffed, pushing his lips out as he sulked, stirring the soup in the bowl as he breathed in the steam in the hope that it would unblock his sinuses.

"You have a cold, my son. The common cold." Nikki said as she sat down with her bowl of soup.

"No, I'm sweading *cough cough* I have a fever." Tom whined, feeling his own forehead.

"I've checked your temperature, it's barely elevated. You're going to feel warm with that duvet on you, and you're sat in front of the fire." Nikki pointed out.

"I'll take that." Paddy said as he pulled Tom's spiderman duvet off him, Tom felt too sluggish to try and take it back from him.

"Now I'm cold!" He whined.

"And what do you want me to do about that?" Nikki asked her son.

"I don'd know, make me *sniff* feel bedder." Tom sniffled, wiping his snotty nose on a tissue.

"Could you be more vague?" Nikki said sarcastically, Paddy chuckled at the comment.

"I thought I was the comedian of the family?" Dom said, he felt kind of left out by taking Tom's side.

"I quote Russell Howard, 'Men suffer from Man‐flu, Women suffer from Men'." Nikki said proudly before taking a spoonful of soup.

"You don't know what it's like!" Dom said trying to defend all the men of the world, including his sickly son.

"I've had a cold before, Dom." Nikki replied.

"Yeah, but have you ever felt so poorly that you don't have any energy whatsoever. Yet, miraculously you have the energy to wank and-" Dom began explaining.

"Language!" Tom said, putting on his best Steve Rogers voice despite the sore throat. That earned him a few giggles.

"Honestly, you guys are babies when you're ill." Nikki said, she wasn't wrong.

"Your opinion is wrong, no actually it's invalid because you will never be able to understand what Man-flu is like. Just like how we will never know what a period feels like, do we tell you that you're weak when the painters are in?" Dom asked.

"Yes, all the bloody time!" Nikki protested.

"Mum, Dad, be quiet." Paddy interrupted the mini argument, to acknowledge the fact that Tom had just fallen asleep on the sofa. He was curled up into a little ball, soft congested snores coming from him, his brown curls in his face.

"Aww, bless him." Nikki cooed softly, he looked so sweet. Almost like a child again. Tessa hopped off Dom's lap and laid down next to Tom, snuggling up next to him. Paddy decided to cover Tom and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier up with the spiderman duvet again.

"He needs it more than I do." Paddy whispered, he could live with the scratchy sheets for a couple of days.

Suddenly the front door opens, the twins stumble into the hall with numerous shopping bags.

"It's fucking colder than a winter's tit out there!" Harry announced, everyone urged him to be quiet as they motioned to the sleeping bean on the sofa. And Tom of course.

Requests open x I really want it to be Christmas right now though 😂

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now