~ Ski Trip ~

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Summary: Peter gets sick during his ski trip with the school.


Peter's Pov:

"This is going to be so great." I said as I dumped my suitcase onto my rickety bed, luckily I had the bottom bunk. The decathlon ski trip was legendary for the crazy antics that would unfold and turn into massive buzz in the hallways. I wanted to be a part of that buzz. I was so excited to be here with all my friends...and Flash. We just arrived at our cabin and me and Ned had the best bedroom for miles, we had the perfect view of the mountains.

"Kinda cold though." Ned said as he pulled a woolly hat over his head, he already had a massive coat on and a scarf around his neck.

"I'm telling ya, I can't wait to go down that mountain tomorrow." I said as I changed into my sweatpants, and my midtown tech hoodie, school spirit and all. I wanted to feel the wind in my face, travel at an incredible speed then drink gallons of hot chocolate once we're finished. Not that I don't get that feeling swinging through Queens, it just felt so good to be away from the city for a while.

There was a knocking at the door, Mr Harington poked his head inside.

"Lights out boys, we've got a whole day of thrills tomorrow." He said, I couldn't wait to experience it.

"Goodnight, Sir." I said before he closed the door. Suddenly I got that tingly sensation in my nose, like I was about to sneeze.

"Achoo!" I sneezed into the crook of my elbow, that was a strong one, it felt good to get it out. Mr Harington quickly opened the door again.

"Who just sneezed?" He asked concerned, Ned pointed to me as I rubbed my nose, sniffing a little.

"God, please say you're not sick!" He said in a panic, I just rolled my eyes. He was being dramatic.

"I'm fine, Sir. Just my sinuses getting used to the cold." I told him, I am a sneezer when the temperature drops.

"Alright, but if you start feeling ill please let me know, guy one year came on the ski trip with a cold and got pneumonia. That did not go down well with the principal, let me tell you." Mr Harington told us, I nodded and waved him off before he finally left us alone.

I laid down in my bed, I brought some blankets from home to make myself more comfortable, I got all warm and cosy. Ned was squirming around on the top bunk, making a creaky sound but nothing I wasn't used to. It didn't take me that long to fall into a peaceful slumber.

- The Next Morning -

This wasn't good, I shouldn't feel this dreadful when I wake up. My head hurt like hell, my throat felt super scratchy and my nose was all stuffy. These symptoms were enough to make me miserable, but why did it have to happen on the ski trip which I had been looking forward to for so long?

"Peter, wake up!" Ned said excitedly as he got into his outdoor clothes, I opened one eye momentarily before i grew too weak to keep it open. I hugged my pillow and groaned, I felt so tired and ill, I don't wike it.

"Nah uh."I mumbled into my pillow, I didn't want to leave my bed.

"But Pete, we're going skiing today!" Ned said enthusiastically, and way too loud, my head pounded in my skull and I just wanted to die.

I reached over onto the bedside table and grabbed a tissue to aggressively blow my nose, I couldn't smell to save my life.

"That's disgusting." Ned said as he pulled a face at me, I just dropped my arm beside the bed and sighed sadly. This sucked.

"You don't look so great, Peter. I think you've got a cold." Ned said as he saw me in my weakened condition.

"Aa-Aa-Achoo!" I sneezed, ugh this was not pretty.

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