~ Mother Knows Best ~

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Summary: As the title suggests...

Happy Mother's Day!

Peter cocooned himself in a hug made of blankets, his little sick face poking out as he laid out across his bed.

He truly was the sick man of America!

Everything just ached, he felt all shivery and just downright miserable. It was a Sunday morning, which Peter hates with a passion, Sunday's just reminded him that it was almost Monday. He was already not up to facing the world and this sickness just ensured that he wouldn't be facing the day.

His mother, Pepper, instantly knew something was wrong when Peter didn't wake up demanding sugary cereal at the crack of dawn. This lead her to check his vitals via FRIDAY where she found out the little Spider Baby was very sick.

"Do I sense a sick Spider Baby?" Pepper cooed sympathetically as she came into the room, yet another blanket on her arm and a glass of water.

"Mommyyy!" Peter whimpered as he made grabby hands for her, she set the things down before climbing next to him on the bed. Peter wrapped his arms around her waist and laid his head down against her belly.

"We've got a sick spiderling, huh?" She said as she gently ran her hands through his soft brown curls. Peter nodded slowly as he relaxed into her touch.

"F-Feel yucky." The boy whined as he looked up at his Mom, his eyes glazed over with sickness and just pure sadness.

"Like pukey or flu-ey?" Pepper asked him, what type of yucky were we dealing with here?

"Flu-ey." Peter answered, everything hurt like hell, he didn't want to move. Pepper gently caressed his cheek.

"You're really warm, sweetie. You want some water?" She offered, Peter nodded slowly as he laid back against the pillows. He tried to steady the glass in his shaking hands, taking small sips that left a pain in his throat.

"Danks." Peter said as he passed the glass back, pulling the blanket further up his body as he laid his head down on her shoulder.

"You got a stuffy nose?" Pepper asked him, he sounded congested.

"Uh huh." He replied all sniffly, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.

"Aww Petey Pie, I'm so sorry you're not feeling good." Pepper cooed softly as she wrapped his arms around him.

"Your Dad's hungover if that makes you feel any better." She mentioned trying to lighten the mood, Peter smiled weakly.

"How bad is *cough cough* his hangover?" Peter asked curiously.

"Bathroom floor, puke on shirt type bad." Pepper responded.

"He's had worse." He said, that was very true.

"Anyway forget about him, I have my sick spidey to worry about." Pepper said before kissing the top of his head. It gave Peter a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

"You want some Motrin?" She offered him.

"Please!" Peter felt like he could die for some Motrin.

"Thank god, your Dad threw a fit when I offered him Motrin rather than Advil." Pepper laughed to herself as she slowly got up from the bed.

"I'm *sniffles for days* be'er than him." Peter mumbled as he smooshed his face into his pillow.

"Agreed, are you going to be okay on your own for a couple minutes?" She asked as he ran her hand over his legs from on top of the blanket, Peter nodded slowly.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now