Chap 2; Memory of a moonwitch

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"The girl was frail and weak on the inside"


⚠️ slight violence ⚠️

Every year, 1000 moon witches are born inside the Moon Goddess's temple.

Maryann was born seventeen years ago, inside a house right by the temple. She had a mother who wanted her to succeed in life, but there was little love for her in other ways. Maryann had purple hair, just like all other moonwitches, and purple eyes.

Her mother gazed into her eyes to see her abilities, the little child crying in her arms. The little baby Maryann's eyes shone like only the rarest did, and her mother almost dropped her in happiness. The child was gifted, the child would be picked! The poor baby Maryann was clueless and innocent, her destiny chosen already at birth. That's what it was like to live as a Moonwitch, your life was completely in the hands of the Goddess.

The young Moonwitch didn't get to live with her mother for long enough to remember her. She was often told about how her mother was a powerful Moonwitch that decided to retire after a short but successful career. Her mothers name was Marigold, hence why her name was Maryann.

Just a few days before her sixth birthday, it was clan day. The clan leaders would visit every six year olds house and try to recruit them for their clans. It was important that the young Moonwitches were apart of clans that could raise and mentor them properly. It was even more important that the clan was rich and powerful, giving the children more status and power in life. Marigold refused all clan offers until the last one came, the one that everyone waited for.

The richest and most powerful clan of them all, the clan with the lowest acceptance rate and the privilege to use the Goddess's color. The purple clan.

Each year the purple clan only accepted three new students out of the thousand born, the three most powerful and gifted students. Marigold knew that Maryann would be picked. After all, her eyes shone in the Goddess's light and she had been trained since she had learned to walk. Marigold wasn't wrong. The clan leader took one look at Maryann and decided that she would become one of the lucky three. Well, lucky and lucky...

To be the strongest took a lot of discipline. That was the first out of the two thousand rules that the students had to memorize and follow. Most of the rules were about respect, discipline and tradition. No student was allowed to fail, no student was allowed to make any mistakes. But the first thing Maryann learned was not the first rule, it was the clan motto.

"The strong never apologize, because the strong never make any mistakes"

It was that motto that would haunt her forever. It was the clan principle, the most important thing to them was not to do any mistakes. Which is why mistakes were punished harshly, way harder than purposeful wrongdoings. As children the punishments were a little milder, but they still managed to mold each and every student of the purple clan into the perfect beings the clan wanted them to be.

They had to be disciplined, cold, righteous and always the strongest. There were so many minor rules and regulations to what you could do and what you couldn't. How to bow correctly, how to address your seniors correctly, how to walk correctly, how to dress correctly, how to speak correctly. There were endless regulations and they were always extremely detailed. One of the most notable ones were the ones about how to dress and act.

Each member of the clan was only allowed to wear white and purple at all times, never any other colors. Their hair had a specific hairstyle, a specific length that went over the shoulders and the hair tied with ceremonial ropes and ribbons. They were always supposed to be quiet, never speak unless necessary. Juniors were not allowed to look into their seniors eyes unless given permission to do so, and were not allowed to speak in their company unless given permission again. Only the highest grades in each subject, both special subjects and normal subjects, were allowed. If they broke any of these rules, they would be punished.

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