Chap 4; One day before the rain

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"People around her didn't seem to notice"


"I'm so exited for today! I can't wait to win this thing!"

Maryann scoffed silently at the boys in front of her, their words sounding ridiculous and highly unmannered. Her purple hair was swaying lightly from side to side, a calm expression lacing her sharp and cold features.

The whole class was on their way to one of the arenas, as today's combat class was a special one. Maryann had of course trained and studied for this day for weeks, even though it wasn't even the real thing yet.

At the end of each coarse, the combat class held a competition that stood for half of your grade. It was like a tournament, the students fighting each other one vs one, until one winner was left. The entire grade and whoever wanted to watch, there was no limit to the seats as the arena was big, gathered around two students as they fought each other. The main point was to win using combat tactics, the better your performance the better your grade. Usually the one who wins gets a high grade, while the one who loses gets graded based on what good techniques they used and decisions they made.

The competitions were closing in, and the combat teacher wanted the students to hold a practice tournament a few weeks prior, aka today.

The other supernaturals seemed excited for the practice game, since they wouldn't have to focus on the big audience and just show off their skills to the teacher instead. Usually these tournaments attracted thousands of onlookers, many of them humans that wanted to see supernaturals use their powers. The tournament was one of the only days when humans, other than human teachers, were allowed inside the school building. Maryann personally found them disrespectful, but she would never voice that out loud of course. Your own opinions were better to be kept on the inside.

During the tournament you were allowed to use magic, physical strength, flight, agility and swords. Weapons like swords had to be negotiated beforehand, and usually the ones with similar powers fought against each other. But since it was already clear that a Moonwitch was stronger than a regular witch when it came to magic, Maryann was always given vampire, demon and shifter partners for the first rounds.

Today it was only a practice round, so the partners were picked randomly for the fun of it. Most of the slightly weaker students hated that concept, but luckily the first partners were picked more professionally and fairly during the real tournament later on.

The whole class came to a stop as the arena doors stood in front of them. Huge glass doors that were both fire and bulletproof. That was in case of any stronger attacks that flew against them. Usually witches could use fire in their magic, but bullets were not allowed of course.

The teacher opened the door as he saw them, welcoming them and allowing them to enter.

"Alright! Take a seat in the audience and watch your classmates until I call out your name, understand?"

The class answered with a bored tone and walked up the stairs to the seats around the arena, finding the best spot to see the fights. The arena had a black rubber mat on the floor, a glass roof that was tens of meters high in the air and two floors filled with seats. It was no different from any football arena in the country. On each side of the audience there was a big screen, showing who was fighting who and the scores. Today the screens were showing nothing but a black void.

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