Chap 43; Secret weapon

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"The secret weapon"


Maryann sits in the forest, both legs tied together in a meditating position. The smell of herbs and smoke lingers in the air. Birds fly by her head and bees buzz in the distance. The sun is still low upon the sky, and the morning air is chilly. Maryann's purple eyes are closed, just like they've been all morning since she came here. Her mind is calm and at ease, there is no distractions in the forest. It's a perfect day. A perfect morning to start off her meditation.

Every Moonwitch needs to stay focused at all times. They need peace, calm and discipline. Otherwise the magic inside might take control over itself, or worse, attack the body. When angry or emotional, the magic can get mighty sharp. It cuts up the insides and makes blood spill out from the witches mouth. Especially negative emotions can trigger such an event, and Maryann is extra careful when she feels moody. Like now, after days of training with Dario. She's beginning to feel a little stressed, and that's never good.

So here she is, sitting in the forest, calming her mind. She left her mates sleeping in their shared bed, cooked different calming potions in the greenhouse and then walked into the forest. Usually Maryann is one of those witches who doesn't need to meditate to feel calm. But ever since she left the human world school, everything has been a little different. It's a good different, but it can also be bad. No matter how much Maryann wishes she could deny it, staying at the purple temple was really good for her discipline and calmness. There is always something that one has to sacrifice in order to reach a certain level of happiness. Maryann sacrificed her calm for a taste of several other emotions, the ones that come with having two mates.

"Can I take charge tomorrow?"

Lily's voice breaks their silence. Maryann's three moons have all been meditating with her in silence for almost three hours. They all break out of their trances and look at the smallest moon. Maryann opens her eyes slowly and they begin to glow in a purple color as she speaks with her moons.

"Are you sure Lily? It's training day tomorrow. The rebellion is dragging all their members out for a war drill"
Maryann asks calmly. The wind blows by and ruffles her hair a bit. Naturally she is worried for her most innocent moon. It doesn't matter if Lily is just as powerful as the rest of them, real power comes from acting in harsh situations. Lily can't do that. She can't take initiative when things go wrong, she can't protect herself no matter how strong she is. Or at least, she can't protect others. Maryann doesn't want to put Lily in such a situation. A time where Lily is forced to do something that will scar her forever, or guilt her mind for all eternity.

Even though it's just a practice drill, Lily has never been a fan of such things. She is cute and bubbly, she can't handle such serious things. Maryann will never judge her for it. The light purple haired moon twists her face into a thinking frown before brightening up again. That usually means that she has an idea. Violet leans back into the sofa and looks at her with lazy eyes. Eve is the complete opposite, staring with dilated eyes and a straight back, still in her meditating position.

"Well can I share the day? I really want to spend time with Cassy and Vivy, so how about one of you take the training and I take the rest?"
The doe eyed girl pleads. None of the other three have the heart to say no, not that they would want to anyways.

"I can take charge during training"
Violet remarks lazily, closing her eyes. Eve grabs Lily with ease and brings her to her lap. She rolls her eyes at Violets comment, before agreeing. Lily can only squeak when she is lifted up without a struggle. It's a daily thing at this point, Lily traveling from one persons arms to another's. Maryann pays the first and third moons no mind, only nodding at Violets suggestion.

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