Chap 30; Secrets

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"One day you will understand"


"You think we were here for the pack?"


"Well that's where you are wrong."

⚠️ Dead people, blood ⚠️

Cassy walks up to one of the corpses. The whole pack is busy cleaning up after the battle, so naturally they decided to help. The whole forest is covered with dried blood and dead supernaturals, thankfully only three of them from the Goddess pack's side. They can thank Maryann and Donovan for that, especially the last stunt that the Moonwitch pulled.

Cassy sighs as she bends down to inspect the dead demon. Her eyes are closed and throat completely covered with blood. She isn't faced by the sight, only searching through her clothes for any clues about who they are. Why would a group of several different supernaturals suddenly attack one of the nicest packs in the world? The Goddess pack is known for always being friendly to as many people as they can. There is no way these people are enemies of the Goddess pack, it just doesn't make any sense.

The rain has stopped falling down, but the ground is still completely wet. Cassy thinks about Maryann, the little Moonwitch who is sleeping inside the pack house with Dario next to her. Despite her promising that she wouldn't get hurt, she's now completely passed out and drained from energy. But it's not like Cassy can blame her for something that she couldn't control. Maryann saved countless of lives on this rainy day, and it's not like Cassy or Vivy wouldn't have done the same.

"We've counted more vampires than any other supernatural among these people, but it's still weird how mixed they are"

Cassy stands up at the sound of Donovan's voice. He's right. She's walked around for two hours now, carrying the bodies back to a gathering point. She's seen way more vampires than any other creature, and frankly it's been a little disgusting to carry dead people from her own kind. She feels a little embarrassed too. Why do vampires always have to be the ones to do stuff like this? It gives vampires like her a bad image.

"Are you hinting on something?"
Cassy asks, picking up the body with ease thanks to her super strength. Donovan rolls his eyes.

"No, but I was a little bit hopeful that you and the rebellion would have an explanation... I really don't understand where this attack came from?"

Donovan looks around for a moment, spotting a dead vampire a few meters away. He walks up to the corpse and picks it up as Cassy thinks for awhile. There must be something that triggered the attack. If anything they could have attacked the rebellion instead, they are the ones who are violent against their enemies. Maybe they mistook the Goddess pack for the rebellion? Is it possible to do such a grave mistake?

Nothing about this attack makes sense. It's so well planned out but on the same time for absolutely no reason. What were they trying to gain? How do vampires have anything to do with this...? The only vampire at the Goddess pack is Dario, but nobody is supposed to know about his location. Not to mention that the little harmless vampire hasn't done anything wrong in his entire life. He probably hasn't even met any of these enemy supernaturals in his life.

But that's just her guess. Maybe Dario does have something to do with the attack, something that not even he might understand.

Donovan walks back to where she stands, and they begin making their way back to the gathering point in the forest. Donovan is still a little unsure about what to do with the corpses. He can't have them laying on his territory. Even though it feels a little bitter to give them back to their clans or families, Donovan would do it if he could. But he has no idea where they are from, who they stand for. Everything is so confusing.

"Maybe you should talk to Dario about it"
Cassy carefully says as she jumps over a rock with the corpse still on her back. Donovan looks at her, just as offended as she thought he would be.

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