Chap 23; Exhaustion

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The whispers of the bright yet mystic forest sent shivers down Maryann's spine. Almost as if the forest had always stood there, waiting for her arrival.

Even though she was not a witch who could sense the nature around her, the blood from her ancestors was still there. She felt the connection to the green forest around her, the shine of the berries and the smell of the leaves. She felt the urge to just run into the wooden lands and collect every single rare vegetation that she could find. Everything from mushrooms to flowers with thorns.

And somewhere in the distance she heard wolves howling at the moon, respecting the goddess that they all loved so much. The moon was their gateway to her, and now it was rising above the treetops. Shadows stretched over the muddy road as Cassy and Vivy helped her walk. The quiet nature around them provided a calm environment, the wind blowing through their hairs. For once there was no enemy to fight and no argument to be held. They were home, and soon the night would stretch its warm embrace over the rebellion.

Maryann smiled at the thought, sleep catching up to her and exhaustion creeping over her eyes. It was tough, walking around with bruises all around her body. But Maryann knew better than to voice her pain. She was raised to stand strong and never show weakness. Even inside a mythical forest, the home of a rebellion and the house of her mates, she wouldn't allow herself to fall away from discipline.

"I'm so exited!"
Lily said meekly inside Maryann's head, excitedly looking around the dirt road and the trees. Violet smiled at her fellow moon, picking up her small body and placing her on her lap. Lily payed her no mind, unconsciously leaning into Violets grip while she continued to gaze into the forest. Eve smiled at the two, especially at the cuteness of the first moon. She was a kind of innocent spot for them, someone who always shone with a bright aura.

"You have to make a good first impression! You'll be living with the rebellion for awhile anyway"
Eve said, still not convinced enough to stay here forever. She was strict about what was allowed and what was not. This rebellion seemed a little bit too extreme for her. She just wanted everything to go back to normal again, when Maryann was a loyal and happy member of the purple clan. But then those lousy mentors had to ruin everything for them. And she wasn't sure if she liked her mates yet either, but it always took a good amount of time to warm up to her.

Cassy looked down at her smaller mate, noticing her eyes shine in purple. She waited for Maryann to stop communicating with her moons, her eyes slowly going back to normal.

"You don't have to introduce yourself in any way today, we'll just take you to our room"

Maryann nodded tiredly, eyes blinking slower than usual. Soon enough the trees became fewer and the small rebellions village came into view. At first it was only a wooden house and a gate, two werewolves guarding the entrance. But as they came closer Maryann noticed the tall buildings in the back, as well as the smaller cottages around them. The village was lit up by illuminating torches, and smoke rose itself from the chimneys up into the chilly night sky.

Thanks to Maryann's exceptionally good hearing, the laughter from small children and the mumbling of adults was soon heard. The guards saw them come and straightened their backs as they approached. Maryann suddenly felt scared, intimidated. She got a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach, something that she had never gotten before. She was scared of the supernaturals. Not because they were apart of the rebellion, but because she had to talk to them and they were strangers. She had never felt that way before.

The Moonwitch (girlxgirlxgirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora