Bonus chapter 57; Something is coming

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"A final gift from me to you, from you to me"


A cold winter storm howls outside the beautiful marble palace of the three mates clan.

A fire burns in front of them, the three mates peacefully sleeping in each other's arms. The couch they are resting on is made from a red velvet that matches the other rustic decoration of their third living room. While the winter storm continues to huff and puff, the three supernaturals sleep peacefully. Well, two of them do.

The third is wide awake.

Maryann gazes over the open fire. Her mind is calm and eyes blink slowly, but she stays awake. Because a Moonwitch knows when to anticipate things, and so she knows when someone is on their way. The air feels different, perhaps it's a certain smell or a certain movement of the wind, but she can always tell when something is about to happen.

Usually Violet would warn her about any bad things coming her way, but this far the moon has stayed silent and asleep inside Maryann's head. The same thing goes for Lily. Only Eve is awake with her, silently meditating, but still awake. A show of support. A silent agreement between the two Moonwitches, that something is coming, that something is happening, and they both know it. Maryann feels at ease. She breathes in and out, resting between her two mates knowing nothing could hurt them now.

They've won. They've defeated who they needed to defeat and now only peaceful days are to come. Of course, there might be villains coming in the future, villains far greater than what they have now faced. But Maryann knows that her adventures are over, that her generation can rest from here on out. That's why, even though she knows that someone is coming, she doesn't stress about it.

Eventually an hour has passed since her two mates feel asleep. They were warming up on the couch together after Cassy and Vivy got home from a mission. Maryann, doing paperwork most of the time, had actually been at the purple clan to supervise their progress, and is just as tired and cold as her mates. But she couldn't fall asleep, not like them. Still, it's no surprise when Vivy starts shifting in her sleep. Demons don't sleep much after all, Vampires don't either. Maryann only calmly moves her gaze from the fire over to her taller black haired mate.


Such a short word, said with little to no emotion, and yet it makes Vivy smile brightly. The demon chuckles and pats the Moonwitches hair.

"Hi to you too baby, why aren't you asleep?"

It's common for Vivy to wake up with Maryann asleep in her arms, since Moonwitches need much more sleep than demons or vampires. Cassy and Vivy kind of sleep just because they don't want to leave Maryann alone in bed, and sometimes that means laying awake for hours. It's relaxing though, it gives room for meditation and really makes her forget about all the troubles of the day. Especially after Maryann taught the both of them how to meditate properly they've been doing it at night while she sleeps. But waking up to Maryann being wide awake is a more rare sight. It's almost a little worrisome.

"There is something coming, someone should be awake for it"

While those words might sound condescending, Maryann says it with her usual monotonous and calm voice. There is not an ounce of panic inside of her. Vivy has gotten used to her near emotionless mate already, so she's not really phased by her simple wording of the situation. She only strokes the shorter girl's head while pretending not to be curious or worried about it.

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