Chap 42; Blood brother

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"The tale of brotherhood and sorrow"
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"I bet he would loose a fight against a baby"

"Of course he would, he's the weakest person in the universe, pretty much"

"Can never do anything right!"

"If he's the child of a wh*re, why was he taken into the leaders family? Disgusting!"

"It's not like he has proven himself to belong there anyway"

Dario can only listen to the words. Tears are rolling down his face, one by one. They stain his cheeks red and make his hands shake. Blood runs down from his mouth and nose. He feels an urge to spit out the red liquid, but doesn't dare to make anymore noise. The vampires above him are stronger, more skilled and overall better than him. They can do everything perfectly. Dario can't. He can only sit there on the floor, looking down to not see their burning gazes and smiling faces. He looks pathetic. Everyone in in the clan sees him as someone pathetic, it's always been like that.

Dario can't help crying. Not because of the pain of getting punched and beaten down, he's used to that part. He's crying because there is nothing he can do to protect himself. The feeling of helplessness, the feeling of weakness. It brings him down, it always has brought him down. It hurts to know that he is weak, and it's all his own fault. No matter how many hours he spends training, Dario can barely wield a sword properly or use his strength or speed. He can't do anything. Of course that's pathetic.

It's just that, every time he tries to bring himself to train, exhaustion takes over. He spends most of his days sick in bed, barely moving. There is no supernatural strength or speed in him, barely half of what there is supposed to be. There is no power, no will. The memory of his weakness and sickness, has lasted forever. The feeling will never go away. It's been set in stone.

At that point, the memory is blurry. Maybe it because it has already happened so many times, what's the point in remembering it anymore. Someone kicked him in the stomach, Dario can remember that. Blood forced itself up his throat, it stained his shirt when he coughed it out. Maybe it lasted for longer than that. Maybe there were more than just a few kicks, maybe. But it doesn't really matter. Marcellus and Mykel came across the group, with Dario laying bleeding beneath them. Dario can barely remember their red eyes of realization, that their brother is laying there, suffering and definitely not fighting back.

Sometimes Dario wonders, if they were disappointed in him. At some point, they had to be. Their own brother, a shame to the family. Their own brother, rumored to be a bastard, the son of someone else. Their own brother, weak and helpless, always laying in bed. Did they ever question why he became healthy after moving to the human world? Did they ever question his weakness, or did they suspect him to be a bastard like everyone else? Such questions are hard for Dario to ask. Maybe he too, wondered if he was a bastard. He too wondered why he was always sick, weak and a shame to the family. It was all he ever wondered about.

Mykel was busy beating up the other boys, while Marcellus turned a blind eye. Marcellus was the kind to do everything perfectly, a little bit like Maryann. The fire clan had many rules that had to be followed. Marcellus was one of the only students who actually followed them. He is the heir after all, the heir that needs to gain everyone's respect. He only bent down to Dario's level and helped him stand up, dried his pathetic tears and cleaned his wounds. It always helped to know that someone cared for him. But after awhile, that help became a numb feeling for Dario, replaced with anger.

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