Chap 36; Torture

4.8K 360 95

"I'll find out the truth, if I so have to take you apart piece by piece until there is nothing left"

Thanks for getting me to 10K yesterday, it feels so unreal😶


⚠️ brutal murder (seriously), brutal torture, blood and rage, poison, cuts, knives, death, killing, mental breakdowns, fighting and violence ⚠️

"On your knees"

The angered eyes of the powerful vampire pierce the shifters skin. His legs are shaking as he hesitantly lowers himself down in front of her. She stares down at him with disgust. Before he knows it a blade is painfully pressed through his neck, ever so slowly slicing him open. Screams of pain echo through the rebellions walls, each member of the clan ignoring the wails. When the vampire is finished she stares down at the dead and bloodied shifter on the basement floor. Without saying anything she keeps staring at him, as if that would help the emotions she feels on the inside.

Another figure walks up to her from the shadows. She has been watching her mate slice open victim after victim, waiting for her turn. They haven't spoken at all today, only come to a silent agreement. Every single enemy that Ari sends to them to be "disposed of" they kill in the most torturous ways. With monotonous expressions and anger filling up on the inside, Cassy and Vivy kill person after person. The rest of the rebellion ignore what they know is happening in the basement. They know it's fully deserved for the "victims", and that it's the only way to calm down the restless supernaturals who have just watched their mate disappear.

Cassy remembers every single person who has walked through this chambers door. Several vampires, a few demons and shifters. She finds momentary calm in watching them suffer and die. That feeling disappears immediately after, leaving to what has become an addiction for the past two days. It's mostly Cassy doing the killing and torturing while Vivy watches. Although sometimes the raven haired girl can't help but sadistically torture person after person, watch them slowly bleed out or scream for her mercy. She's grown to like it. It's the only escape she and her mate has from the harsh reality.

Sometimes Cassy likes to stick in small knives into the victim, watch them slowly bleed out. Sometimes Vivy injects them with poison, waiting for them to slowly suffer until death. Their last victim was a male shifter. He refused to answer Ari's questions, and was thereby given to Cassy and Vivy to calm them down. They cut off his limbs and mocked him with harsh voices and authoritative gazes until he crumbled before them. Sometimes they come in with bruises already, no doubt from Ari's violent questionings.

But walking into this chamber, at the back of the basement, is a death sentence. Despite the screams and begs, Cassy and Vivy have not spared a single supernatural. Those who do not convince Ari during his questioning that they were innocent, or those who refuse to cooperate, die in their hands. The only difference now is that Cassy and Vivy are allowed to inflict whatever torture they like. That way Ari manages to keep them calm while they have to wait.

He has sent out thousands of spies to look for Maryann and Dario. He can already guess that they have been sent to the Moonwitch dimension, but he doesn't want to trigger a war. That's why he's talking with every single spy in the area, asking for any information that they might know. Other than leads that have all lead to dead ends, Ari hasn't heard anything yet. It's very troubling considering that it's been three days since the battle, three days of keeping everyone sane and stopping Cassy and Vivy from killing everyone.

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