Chap 34; Respect and disrespect

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"I'll show you respect when you do"



My body screams the songs of hunger. I'm tired, parched. There is no food, no water. My muscles ache because I cannot move. They planned this, I know they did.

There is a reason why the vengeful seniors of this clan haven't come to see me yet. Whatever they are planning on doing with me, they are set on keeping me weak while doing it. The weaker I get the stronger their chance becomes. The moment I let go of my discipline and beg them for survival is the same day I die. I will not admit defeat until necessary.

For a whole day I have now been awake and restrained in the cold dungeon.

Water drips from the roof at every living moment, I can barely focus. Drip, drip. It echoes through the awfully empty stone room and continues on and on. Day turns into night, and now it's day again. The hushed talking from above is too distant for me to understand, despite my good hearing. My arms have begun to ache more than ever before, and the ground got so cold at night that I barely made it through.

All I can think of is my two mates and Dario. I want to keep him safe from my clans wrath, but I can't help but worry for Cassy and Vivy too. They haunt my dreams at night and appear in my memories during the day. Whenever the pain becomes too much to handle I zone out and remember our times together. If I die here, I might as well remember all the good times before it's too late. The way their proud smiles always loom over me, the way they get nervous when I'm sad or mad.

I love them, I really do. Every day I have grown more attached to my two mates. Not a single day has passed without them, so far at least. Now I'm all alone. It felt weird to wake up in silence, not cuddled up with them in a warm and safe bed. I should never have gotten used to the safety. I should've insisted on sleeping on a harder surface, insisted on keeping myself antisocial and self-disciplined. Instead, I have to suffer the consequences.

The body that I have, once used to waking up in a pool of my own blood, now uncomfortable by simple chains and water. But it's not like I've been crying or screaming yet, like the humans do in their movies. After all, I can never forget what it means to live like I did.

"Good morning Dario"
I rasp out quietly. He's been asleep ever since we last spoke. It's better that way, the more he sleeps the less he will remember. Dario is still so innocent and I must protect him. Who knows what will happen to Donovan and the Goddess pack if he dies? Who knows what will happen to me? Not to mention his brothers, who have no idea where he's been for the past month. It must be hard for them. Personally I'd find it rough to live a life without his bright presence, even though his mood has become more nervous since leaving school.

Not because he doesn't want to be at the Goddess pack, but because I know how attached he is to his brothers. I don't think he'll ever get over leaving them without an explanation. The war must be taking a toll on him too. The real world is much more complicated than what the elite human world school might suggest.

"Are we going to die?"

There it is, the question I've already asked myself several times.

"If they only wanted us killed, we'd be dead by now"
I comfort him in the only way I know, by using logic and reason. If I thought that we were here to die, I would've told him the truth. But I honestly don't think we are here to die, at least not yet. The only reason they didn't kill me in my sleep, is because they want something from me. They must want the same thing from Dario. Since they are waiting for so long to visit us, despite us being awake, it's probably something big too.

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