Chap 37; Unlocked secrets

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"Some people will want me dead, others will beg to have me on their side. For me there is only one path in this universe, and that is mine"



I don't know how to feel anymore. Like literally I can't feel my fingers or toes, I can't feel the cool air hit my skin or the wet floor ruin my sleep. I don't hear the quiet mumbles from the outside or the loud dripping water from the ceiling. I can't smell the closed in dungeon air or the stale blood from Maryann's wounds. I don't see my sister crying in the corner of her cell. My sister. I don't know anything anymore. Not how I was raised, brought up by lies and bullies. I don't know how my sister feels, I don't know anything. My sister.

Although my hands might be shaky, I cannot feel them. Although tears may run down my cheeks at an uncontrollable pace, I cannot register them. At some point the day turned into night, my thoughts still looming over what the woman had said. The way she announced it with such simplicity, almost as if it didn't mean anything to her. It probably doesn't mean anything to her. She doesn't care about the pained sobs that left my sisters mouth after she had left. She doesn't care about the years of suffering we both have done in vain. She doesn't care at all.

Most of all, I am lost in my own pain. So many years have passed since my father died, since my "mother" took over the clan. I haven't seen her in years, but for once I feel thankful for that. She raised me as her own, even though I was apparently the son of my fathers "drunk mistake". Maybe it wasn't a mistake after all. I am the son of my father and his true mate, not his psycho wife. For years she took care of me when my father laid in his grave and my brothers were busy with one thing after another. If only I had known the truth.

The truth that she was using me for her own gain. My powers, for years she has drained them and locked them up. She has used them for war after war, selling it as weapons and magical spells. I don't know how she did it. How can someone lock up a hybrids powers and use it for their own gain at a later time? It doesn't make sense, but I know that she has done it. My memories that are now clear to me are my evidence. I remember everything that was once fuzzy and forgotten in my dreams.

I remember the hundreds of days I laid in bed, "sick" they said me to be. I wasn't sick, even though even I thought so. At the time she had drained me of my powers, erased my memories and forced me to live as a weak vessel for her own use. After awhile the line between forgotten and remembered became unclear. My memories started to pick up on what she was doing. After confronting her she became afraid, scared to get exposed. That was the day she locked up my powers like they locked up Maryann's, hoping for it to stick forever and erased my memories one more time.

Without my Moonwitch powers I was just half vampire, nothing more. I'm weak without my Moonwitch magic, weak with only half of what a normal vampire would call strength. That's why I got bullied, that's why I was never as strong as my brothers. The people at my old clan mocked me, claiming that my real mother was probably a human for me to be so weak. My brothers couldn't stop it, my "mother" didn't care enough to do so. Now I'm all alone, finally the truth lays in my hands and I can't do anything about it.

It hurts so much. The people I trusted were the ones hurting me. It hurts to know that I am a hybrid, a guinea pig. The people with righteous minds want me dead and the people with corrupt minds want my powers for their own. In this world there are only people who want to use me, and people who want to kill me. Except for my sister and mate, I can't trust anyone. Maybe I cannot even trust Donovan. Who knows what his views are on hybrids like me? What will he do once he finds out that I am not the vampire he thinks I am?

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