Chap 45; Juniors

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"Join me"


Beatrix, Agnes, Evanora, Cecilia, Dario and Maryann are walking through the shifter world. The air is warm from the new summer weather, and each witch is sweating under their dress. Evanora in her usual blue, now because she is a blue witch for the war. Agnes in her usual pink dress, but with a gray rope around her arm. Beatrix and her usual green dress and green rope, and then Cecilia with her orange clothes and rope. Maryann is walking in front of them, leading them towards their destination. They took a carriage here, but parked it just a few turns away from the portal city.

There has been a disturbance by the loophole. The rebellion, now the biggest kind of police that the shifter world has, has been called on a mission to clear up the disturbance. Dario came with because he's shadowing his sister, making sure that he understands every perspective of being a Moonwitch. He's also here because getting away from the rebellion, even for just a second, is practically heaven.

Don't get him wrong, the rebellion is great. But for the past week everyone has been training day out and day in. No one gets a break until the war is over, that's what Violet said and Ari agreed. But it doesn't change the fact that it's exhausting. A walk in nature and a change of pace from the usual stuff is great. The carriage ride here took about thirty minutes, and he got to know the witches better during that ride. Even though he's still a little shy, a little hesitant. But in that aspect it was fun to socialize.

Lately he's been avoiding his two brothers like the plague. They are staying at the rebellion with their troops, and sometimes Dario bumps into them when training with Maryann. Every time they try to speak with him, but he runs away or avoids their gazes until they give up. Dario just isn't ready to talk to them yet. He would have to explain everything, even though they know most from Maryann. He would have to explain the excessive bullying, the actual terrors of their own mother and what happened at the purple clan dungeon. Worst of all, he would be forced to remember what the past was like, even though it doesn't exist anymore.

Maryann stops when they arrive by the city. The smell of different herbs and raw meat enter their nostrils. The late spring air drags dust, flowers and the smell of food with it. All kinds of creatures roam the wooden city, and stop by shouting salesmen to buy their things. In the distance, between two huge trees, stands the enormous loophole. It shines in a white, blue and purple color. The platform underneath it is wooden, and people walk through it and come from it from time to time. The witches of the market hide behind their cloaks and veils, the shifters follow their alphas as they shop for easy meat.

But there, right by the loophole, stands the problem. A group of seven Moonwitches are standing next to a group of three purple Moonwitches. They are looking at each other angrily, and all wearing traditional traveling clothes. Maryann squints towards their direction when she sees them. Dario gulps at the sight of Moonwitches, especially when he notices the purple clan Moonwitches. Cecilia looks calm while Agnes hides behind Beatrix and Evanora in a subtle way.  Maryann gathers herself before entering the crowded city, towards the loophole.

Hesitantly, the other witches and Dario follow. They walk through different stands and booths of meat, herbs and funny looking items. The vampire stands that are selling blood automatically show their permits when they walk past, knowing who belongs to the rebellion. Not showing a permit for blood sale in front of the rebellion that fights against blood trafficking is a dangerous thing. They could easily end up being questioned or banned from the shifter world, especially now when the rebellion has more power than ever. Maryann pays them no mind, eyes still set on the people by the loophole.

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