Chap 17; My moons

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"And even though others wanted to see her suffer"


When Maryann said that she'd give them three weeks, this was not what she had in mind.

Cassy, the tall, quiet and intimidating vampire walked next to her, while Vivy, the tall and mischievous demon walked on the other side. Both of them kept their eyes forward and strolled through the hallways with ease, almost as if everything was perfect and it was just another normal day. They wore innocent like expressions on their faces and gave curtly and short nods to everyone that passed. And in between them was Maryann, shorter than both and definitely not nearly as amused by the situation as they were.

A whole week had passed since she promised them three weeks, and she was already starting to regret it. Constantly they hanged by her side, not acting clingy but definitely never letting her out of their sight. They were there before every class and after every class, standing outside the door and greeting her with either smirks or smiles. Maryann felt increasing frustration at how hard they were trying, and she expressed it by frowning and ignoring them as much as possible. She had said that they would have to convince her, not that she was convinced.

But maybe, a little part of her didn't mind it.

After being taught to be alone for all of her life, it's hard to change that. But slowly she was getting used to the company and it felt good not to be alone all the time. They kept her company at lunch, at breakfast, at dinner and before and after every class. They said things like "good morning" and "good night", which was completely new and unfamiliar to Maryann. It felt weird but in a good kind of way. But her head was telling her to keep frowning and finding it annoying, because that way she could never be convinced by them and stay in the clan forever.

And the more time they spent together, the more Maryann got used to their faces. She recognized the shade of Cassy's deep wine red hair, and the shape of her fangs and the sound of her booming yet rare voice. She got used to Vivy's deep black eyes and dark hair, and every small smirk and expression on her face became intoxicating. Both of them were so ethereal, so unique yet blending in perfectly. The way Cassy would look at her with such power, yet she felt safe rather than scared. The way they towered over her and smirked and laughed at her annoyed reactions. The way the joked around at random moments, even to the point where Maryann found it funny enough to chuckle to.

Every day was different, every day had something new. Their lives were more about living than surviving, more about helping and adventuring rather than studying. Maryann found their company as a break from reality, because their views and lifestyles were so different from hers. Not to mention how she felt more and more connected to them each day. She began to realize that being mates really had a difference, it changes people, mostly for the better. The way her heart suddenly began to flutter or cheeks blush, that wasn't something usual. It was something that Maryan had never experienced before, never bothered to learn about.

But now they were here, ready to teach her and to... love her. And although she was hesitant, her heart had nothing against that. Even her moons were slowly opening up to the idea.

Eve saw them as a distraction, but admired their power and strength and dominance. Violet didn't like them at all, but loved the way they made Maryann think about leaving the purple clan. But deep inside Maryann knew that Violet liked both of them, maybe way more than the rest of them did. Lily was beyond the moon, happy that they were nice and powerful enough to keep her safe. She found them comfortable and a good influence for Maryann and Eve to finally agree to leave the clan. Lily adored them the most, and she was also the first moon to show herself in front of them.

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