Chap 9; A beginning of the past

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"Sometimes she wanted to die"


(in the last chapter Maryann was abused by her new mentors, passed out and woke up in the morning. In the morning she couldn't feel her moons anymore as she had pushed them away to save them from the pain)

One year ago
Cassy woke up in the middle of the night, just like she had done every week for the past two months. It was routine by now, a ritual that had to be done.

First she got dressed in black clothes that gave her freedom to move and sneak around freely, followed by a dark cloak and her old mask. The mask covered her whole face except the eyes, decorated in red and black patterns. She then tied her hair into a bun and placed it neatly inside the hood, dragging on leathered boots and gloves with a good grip for climbing. Finally, the last touch was placing a shiny black sword into her belt.

Then Cassy walked away from her closet and to her little kitchen, where a black backpack was waiting for her. She only had to pack a few more things before getting ready to leave, throwing the bag over her shoulder. The night was cold but that had never bothered her before, and it wouldn't bother her now either.

Cassy walked up to her kitchen window, placed on the fifth floor of the mighty and creepy pureblood castle. She opened it with a slight creak and snuck out, taking a big leap and jumping to the ground using her vampire flight abilities. Just as expected the night was cold and misty, rain falling down one drop at a time. The castle looked like a big shadow behind her as she ran into the forest underneath, hiding from the guards easily. It was basic skill to be able to hide from the pureblood guards and not go noticed by anyone when slipping out, but hiding your mate was another thing.

With her heart beating against her chest Cassy remembered why she was leaving the castle in the first place. No matter how much she wanted to hide it, she really needed to see her right now. Cassy really wanted to gaze into those black eyes and talk about nothing for hours. Because no matter how much she wanted to deny it, Cassy was in love with her mate just like everybody else. That's kind of what mates are for, love. But some times love can be more complicated than what you first might think.

Vampires and Demons lived in the same dimension, that is true. But they should not mix, at least according to many of the top clans. Both the pureblood clan and the Earth demon clan valued having mates from your own kind, and it was the kind of pairing that was the most common. But for the past month Cassy had come to realize how stupid that value is. Nobody except the moon goddess can have a say in who your mate will become, so how could the young members of the clan only be with people from the same kind? She had never chosen to be with Vivy, it just happened and there was nothing they could do to stop loving each other besides death.

That's just how mates work. They force you to love them, there is nothing you can do to stop that.

So even though it was against the rules Cassy found herself going towards the forest in between the pureblood clan and the Earth clan. That's were she would meet Vivy every week, that's were they spoke and gazed into one another's eyes. Sadly most of their conversations were about what to do with their future. How could they possibly live on like this? Constantly deprived from the lack of meeting each other and needing to break the rules like this. So Cassy had decided that it had to stop. The longing was too much for her. Not to mention that Vivy was growing weaker from the lack of physical attention since she was now in love with Cassy and nobody else. Meeting up just once a week wasn't enough for her.

The Moonwitch (girlxgirlxgirl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora