Chap 16; Prove it

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"For the first time in a long while"


"We were both like you once..."

"Tied to our mighty clans with nothing but success on our minds. I've been underestimated and under appreciated all my life, until I came to the pureblood clan. They gave me everything and I relied on them heavily. They taught me all I needed to know and brought positivity to my life. I loved them and I was loyal to them, almost too loyal. I killed for them, I even killed members of my birthclan for them. And I enjoyed it too, because I was blinded by rage and what they had taught me.

But what I didn't know, was how the clans used my loyalty for their own gain.

They take these young little supernaturals, no matter if they're a shifter or a vampire, and give them everything. They twist their little minds and manipulate them through their teachings and offerings. The pureblood clan was all fun and games until I realized how far gone I had gotten. I was in too deep, surrounded by so many red flags that I couldn't see because of all that mind-control and manipulation. I didn't understand what they had done until about two years ago. Currently I'm soon to be eighteen, but back then I was merely sixteen years old and very young and foolish.

My clan was hosting a party for all the top clan leaders and warriors in the demon dimension. Back then I was at the top of my class, the most respected student. I took that role seriously, because it was through serious measures that I had gotten that title. I scanned the area for anyone suspicious, and my gaze was struck by a Earth clan pleasure demon. I had no idea that she was my mate, aka Vivy. But she looked suspicious and I knew I had to investigate, as she was taking notes in the middle of a party. I used to work as an assassin so I knew my hunches for suspicious people weren't for nothing.

I approached her to confront her, but I wasn't planning to get stuck in her eyes. Because at that party I found out that my mate was not a vampire like me, but a demon. And just like you, I was horrified that the goddess had made such a choice. We could have been perfect for each other, it wouldn't have mattered. Because I was so deeply entangled with my clan, so manipulated by their beliefs that I thought it to be wrong. But the moon goddess isn't wrong. I was so blinded by loyalty that I saw my clans rules as more important than the goddess herself! I saw their benefit as more important than my own and my mates.

We decided not to reject each other, because I was rebellious and Vivy was desperate for a mate. We thought we could reject each other later on, when the clans found out. Maybe then we could simply procrastinate the pain and not have to deal with it at the moment. But we were young and dumb, not realizing that it's not how it works.

More and more often we met up in secret, and each time I craved for her touch as she craved for mine. We were mates, lovers by fate. We were happy together, really happy. Not the kind of manipulated happiness where you gain a lot of status and slowly let go of everything that is important. I was happy for real, and for the first time I realized that I had done way too much for a clan that didn't care for their members happiness.

So once they found out we decided to leave our clans before they could force us apart. I grew up with a bad status, and I've even been an outcast before. I knew perfectly well what it meant to leave my clan, but I did it anyway. Because I knew how wrong I had been for choosing my clan over fate, love and happiness. They couldn't control me anymore, and they were always the only ones who benefited from me being there. This might not apply to all of the supernaturals in the world, but I know from what I've seen how strong you are Maryann. You don't need your clan, they need you. And they will do whatever it takes to keep you there, keep you from being distracted.

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