Chap 40; Morning sun

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"A Moonwitch and her brother"


⚠️ Aftershocks of starvation ⚠️

Soft music plays in the background. Maryann feels a smile stretch across her face, even though she tries to suppress it. It spreads from her mouth to her eyes, her entire body radiating with joy as she stares with a fixation at the people in front of her. The amphitheater is filled up today, every single Moonwitch from the purple clan is present. Even the leader showed up. The mighty woman sits far away from the young Moonwitch, surrounded by seniors and guards.

Five Moonwitches from the Evening Moonwitch Clan are performing for them. The purple clan doesn't usually bother to associate with the other, smaller and less elite Moonwitch clans. But today is different. The Evening clan is known for having the best students when it comes to art. Everything from traditional Moonwitch paintings, music and literature to dancing. The five unfamiliar Moonwitches are their clans best at dancing. They move like graceful angels across the amphitheater scene, creating different kinds of beautiful formations.

Maryann hasn't seen anyone from the outside since she entered the purple temple grounds. Even though she is the most disciplined among her classmates, she feels a strong curiosity. She wants to speak with them, ask them how the Moonwitch dimension looks nowadays. Has anything changed? Do they know her mother? Where did they learn such a beautiful traditional dance? So many questions run around Maryann's head. Questions that will never be answered. She can only bite her lip and watch the beautiful Moonwitches perform.

Once they are finished, the purple Moonwitches clap politely. They bow shyly. Maryann can see that they are shaking, probably from nervousness. Outsiders are rarely ever allowed inside the marble walls of the purple temple. And insiders are rarely allowed outside. For a small clan like the Evening clan, it's a huge honor to even get to see such elites as the purple Moonwitches, let alone talk to them.

Maryann watches with sad eyes as they leave the amphitheater. She's never going to see them again. Her smile dies down into a monotonous expression as usual, hiding away all traces of former happiness. After the seniors have left their seats, it's Maryann's age groups turn. She stands up with her two classmates, wordlessly heading towards the exit. Over the years she hasn't spoken with her classmates much, but their presence has become a natural part of her life. She knows things are in order when she can sense them near.

They walk through the marble opening towards the pathways of the temple. As usual their heads are low and hands held together in front of them. The moon shines down at their purple dresses and the crystals sparkle as the fabric moves silently over the marble floors. Maryann feels tired. It's already late, and she's pretty young. Her ceremonial dress and hairdo feel heavy and she can't wait to take them off. Although the early morning she'll have to face the next day doesn't spark much excitement.

Ray and Amalia continue walking in front of her as Maryann drifts off in thought. When they pass the park Maryann allows her tired gaze to wander across the green field and marbled fountain. She doesn't even realize that she has stopped walking, while her two classmates continue without noticing towards their sleeping quarters. When Maryann snaps back to her senses she realizes that she is alone. Her eyes move in panic across the dark outdoor hallways of the temple. There is no Moonwitch in sight. Maryann can only sigh.

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