Chap 47; Red poison

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"You wanna have some fun?"

False alarm to whoever read my announcement, this chapter is late but I managed to finish it so no postponement.


⚠️ blood, torture, knives, blades, bruises, chains, (basically sensitive stuff) ⚠️

"What is going on here?"

Three pairs of young Moonwitch eyes turn around to meet a seniors gaze. They were sneaking around, enjoying the warm summer weather even in darkness. The night was deep, and the moon high upon the sky, looking down at them with a certain amount of judge. But the Moonwitches were children, never have they cared for the do's and dont's. Epically not now, when the air is so humid and warm, there are no exams and sleeping is so boring. Although maybe there was a flair of group pressure in the mix, three young Moonwitches who believe popularity and social standing over rules and regulations.

But as mentioned before, they were young. Young and inexperienced, easily caught in the seniors eyes.

"Are you crazy? Going outside during bedtime is a punishable offense by the rulebook!"

So maybe it was more about following the rules than following the norms. Rules were meant to be followed, there needed to be no explanation or motivation to why the rule was there. It just was, and everyone knew breaking it was punishable. But there was a certain amount of hope glimmering in the three Moonwitches eyes, when the senior standing under the moonlight was Maryann herself. Easily the kindest and most easy going senior, often letting them go because of her weak heart.

The three stopped in their tracks and turned around, dresses loosely draped over their bodies and hairs already let down from their hairdos. Not exactly an appropriate outfit for stepping outside, under the Goddesses watchful eye. Maryann could only frown as she watched them, mostly because she knew that she would let them go. But at the time there was hesitance. Hesitance because the rulebook said this and that, and she was out here breaking the rules. She ended up making her mind up when she realized the pros and cons. It was either her getting punished or them, and she'd pick her punishment over theirs any day.

So with a strict and scolding eye that sent shivers down the children's spines, she let them go. Running back to their dorms as quickly as possible, careful not to get caught again. But Maryann made sure to check every single junior dorm that night, relieved to find them all present and asleep. At the time she thought her emotions were of worry and the snoopiness of a privileged senior, but it ended up being something else. Mostly love, the love that she felt towards her juniors.

Maryann's leg is shaking as she sits on the wooden chair. Her breathing is quick, heartbeat hitching and worrying for the person laying on the bed below. Dark circles are under her eyes, her hands are shaky and stomach hungry from the lack of sleep and meals. There is just not much time for the Moonwitch to worry about herself, not when her junior is laying lifeless right by her side.

The clock on the wall ticks slowly. Maryann forces her eyes to stay open, opting to keep them on the Moonwitch until she wakes up. She observes Armanda's purple eyes and hair that resemble hers, but also the fact that they don't look very much alike. Armanda's face is slightly rounder in the shape, her eyes are bigger as well, even though they are now closed. She's like a little sister to Maryann, all her juniors are. And frankly seeing her hurt is not ideal. Especially not when dried blood still covers her arms, legs, face and stomach, even after the nurse witches washed her up.

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