Chap 28; Fear me

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"I thought they brought me down because of my weakness. Turns out they just feared me"


"Will you really be okay?"

"I'm always careful"


Cassy smiles slightly, her eyes shining with a beautiful worry. The calm morning air around them sends chills down their spines, the early birds chirping without care. Small crystal drops of rain fall down from the sky, one at a time. Just like on any other spring day, the rain just won't stop coming. Cleaning and polishing the ground before summer can take over. It's not raining yet, but the clouds are radiating in a dark silver gray.

Soon it will pour down to the earth, the lovely wrath of a spring rain. Maybe it'll rain the whole day, maybe the sun will peek before the night sneaks by. Whatever will happen, Maryann doesn't really care.

She's standing in front of her two mates, cloak and hood over her head. Vivy is no longer worried for her, at least not out loud. She trusts Maryann to be safe, and she trusts the Goddess pack to be righteous with their choices. But on the inside her heart is beating at the same time with the drops of the rain. Drip drop. The demon doesn't want anything bad happening to her mate, not after they've spent only a few weeks together in peace. Not after only one day in their new normal, in their new routine.

Cassy is openly worried for Maryann, but she won't let her worry stop that little Moonwitch from doing what she has to do. More dangerous situations will come in the future, way more dangerous things than visiting their neighboring clan. Maryann is in charge of bringing down witch and Moonwitch clans that work for the trafficking industry. She's going to be at war with several people from her own kind. At this point, her life is already at risk.

So Cassy kisses the little Moonwitches forehead, much to Maryann's dismay, and let's her go. Her lips want to stay near the Moonwitch, and her arms want to hold her. This won't be the last time they'll see each other, but... Cassy can't help but feel possessive and scared. She wants her to stay with them, at least until they absolutely have to part ways. With a small blush of embarrassment coloring her cheeks, Maryann turns around and leaves her two taller mates by the clan gate.

The morning rain becomes heavier, piercing the ground faster and stronger. Maryann's boots splash against the muddy ground as she walks, keeping her head low. A small puff of mist leaves her mouth as she sighs. Hopefully Dario is okay and everything is fine at the Goddess pack. Why wouldn't they be fine? The Goddess pack is known for their kindness and prosperity. They might not be the strongest, but they are definitely they best.

Maryann frowns as she makes a turn to the main road. Why can't she just let the situation be? She barely knows Dario or Donovan yet she's already so eager to protect them. Maybe it's because of her strength.

As a young Moonwitch Maryann was used to living with strong and powerful people. They all had the capability to hurt the person next to them, and nothing could really stop them. The hierarchy was intense and the power at play was huge. Every day Maryann knew that she had to work for her strength and magic, because weakness was a once class ticket to death. She constantly strived to be as good as her classmates, to be as good as the other students. At one point it just kept growing faster and faster, her power rising over others.

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