Chap 41; Fire hybrid

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"The tale of magic and bravery"


Two weeks later

Maryann wakes up to a pair of lips attached to her neck. Soft, small kisses are placed from her collarbones to her jaw. It sends shivers down her spine, and the Moonwitch barely reacts at first from drowsiness. The morning sun doesn't tickle her face as usual. Instead the distant sound of raindrops falling against the bedroom window echoes across the room. When she finally realizes what is going on, she stills immediately. A deep blush spreads over her entire face as she recognizes the soft lips of her demon mate. Vivy smiles tauntingly against her skin when she finally feels her smaller mate react.

For a moment Maryann is too embarrassed to open her eyes. She gathers her courage as quickly as possible, as her senses are peaking. She doesn't even notice that she is holding her breath when she flutters her eyes open, the waking world opening up to her. Maryann's shaky eyes are met by Cassy's red ones, looking down at her with a calming expression. Vivy detaches her lips from the Moonwitches neck reluctantly, dragging her hands through Maryann's purple locks. The demons smile is more teasing than Cassy's, but the both of them look down at Maryann with darker expressions than normal.

"Good morning love"

Maryann can only blink. Hesitantly she drags her hand from under the covers and places it on her neck. She touches the spots where Vivy's lips just were lightly, not missing the demons eyes glow. With a slight gulp, Maryann allows her blush to die down and meets her mates gazes confidently.

"It's raining"

The two nod wordlessly. The gray rain continues to drum at the windows, creating and comfortable atmosphere inside their bedroom. Getting out of bed is the last thing on Maryann's mind, but her discipline will not fail. Just like every morning for her entire life, whether it's a work day or a holiday, whether it's sunny or cold and rainy. Every day she gets up, goes to do whatever she has to do. There is no question in her mind to do otherwise. Laying in bed for other reasons than sickness is a weakness to Maryann. She feels useless and lazy, probably because that's what the mentors of the purple clan called those who slept in.

Two weeks have passed since the incident in the forest. Dario woke up three days after Maryann, his head was spinning and he could barely talk. Maryann ignored her mates protest and her painful wounds, locking herself in a room with Dario and spending every second of the day healing him. When he was awake she gave him advice on how to control the rising currents of his magic. When he was asleep she meditated for him, tried to help him control his magic. It took a while, Donovan was constantly pacing outside their door and breathing down her neck for answers. But Maryann refused to tell him why he was in such a state. She only told him that it was natural, and that Dario would tell him after recovering.

It took a week. When Dario finally stood up on his own and spoke coherent sentences, Maryann knew that her job was finished. She told him to tell the truth to his mate, reassured him that everything would be fine. After that she left, and now she's spent every day resting up for the past week. Cassy and Vivy were livid when they had to spend an entire week without her, after just getting her back. After Maryann returned, the demon and the vampire didn't leave her side for even a short second. Maryann would've complained, if it bothered her. It really didn't. Now she's healed up, and that means getting back to work. Too bad her first day back on the job is rainy and cold, even though it's already late spring.

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