Chap 31; Stop lying

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"The original title for "the Moonwitch" was "lying moon""

Soooo today I hit 5K reads, became nr 1 on the lgbt rank yesterday and got a bunch of comments....
My life hasn't been the same since, it's been a day and I'm still crying (Metaphorically 👽). Thank you so much! I literally was just reading through some stuff and suddenly all of this happened in a matter of seconds. My friends are freaking out with me. You could say this is the most successful day of my life, thank you thank you thank you.

Anyway enjoy...



I really want to throw them against the wall, choke them until their faces are blue and then threaten to kill them if I won't get any answers. Must it be so hard for them to just open their mouths and tell me something?! Are they dumb enough to believe I would just let them walk away after what they said?! Several hours have passed since the mission in the forest, several hours and the clock continues to tick by. A little while longer and we can't keep the witches around anymore!

At the time I told myself not to be bothered by their words. Sadly, much like most of my promises, it was broken. They told me I didn't know anything about myself. They told me I was unknowing of my own powers and ancestors. They said all kinds of things that I know can't be true, but they said it with such certainty. How can I let that go unasked?

I spent hours eating and spending a calm evening with my mates. Everything was perfect, except for the witches that kept circling around in my head. The rebellion has them locked up in a cell under the main building, waiting for questioning. I thought I could simply go to bed with Cassy and Vivy and forget about ever even meeting them. I'd let the rebellions inspectors do their job and not get involved. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get them out of my head. More specifically their poisonous words.

Maybe it's because I've spent so many days, weeks even, thinking about all kinds of things. Where did my powers come from? Why hasn't my clan tried to convince me to go back to them yet? Why are people suddenly attacking the Goddess pack? So many questions circle around in my head every day but I never get any answers. It's frustrating and I don't know what to do with all the questions. Maybe I imagine that the mysterious witches can give me the answers I'm looking for.

It's a ridiculous thought, but that didn't stop me from constantly thinking about it.

So even though the sun had set several hours ago, I left my two confused mates silently and walked down to the basement. Vivy called after me but I could barely hear her, too blindsighted by my own suspicions. I need answers for my powers and for everything else that doesn't make sense about my life. I need answers, and no matter how much I try to deny it, the annoying enemy witches are the only ones who have provided answers. They seem to know something about me and I need to know what it is.

I walked down the stairs of the basement and opened the door to the hearing room. Two of the witches are sitting there, hands tied behind their backs. Several guards, both witches and non witches are standing around them. Ari is sitting on the opposite side, a wooden table between him and his enemies. The room is dimly lit and dangerously cold and unstable. It looks very creepy. After being raised at the purple clan I'm not very used to dirty and broken places. Everywhere I go is always clean and expensive, but it's not like I've cared about it for long enough to look.

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