Chap 32; Ripped away

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"Before I knew it, I was forced to leave everything I ever valued"


⚠️ violence, blood, dangerous and traumatizing experiences, death⚠️


It's evening. My eyes are slowly fluttering shut, the calm silence of the room lulling me to sleep. Donovan is out on a mission, his days busy after the attack. He senses danger every day, but I secretly think he's just being paranoid. I'm not going to tell him that though. I know how stressed he can get at these times, it's best to just let him be. After all, he is the greatest thing in my life and I would never want to upset him.

The fire place is lit, the flames slowly licking the wood. I'm sitting in our personal living room on the third floor, where we have this nice fireplace and many soft couches and cushions. I like it here, I call it my safe place. Usually I feel scared when Donovan isn't around. Nervous about what the pack members think about me and scared that I won't be able to defend myself. I'm weak after all, I don't have much extra strength or speed like the rest of my old clan members.

It's peaceful, sitting like this in a dimly lit room. But I don't want to fall asleep. Donovan and Maryann, along with my brothers are the only ones who know of my past. I'm the only one who knows about my nightmares. There are things I haven't told anybody yet, the worst of the worst memories I have. Things so brutal that they have faded in my memory. Things my brothers definitely don't know about, and for good reason .

I can't sleep, because in my unconscious state I'm the most vulnerable to remembering the things I want to forget. The way my clan... did something to me. Something worse than bullying, something I can only remember in my sleep. I always wake up with tears running down my cheeks, but I can't remember why. All I know is that there are some things about my memories that don't add up. Some things that just don't make sense, several long periods of time that I just can't remember. I've barely mentioned my concerns to Donovan. I think I'm just imagining things.

All I know is that I can't fall asleep alone. Not without Donovan. In the past I suffered greatly every night, but now I've gotten used to waking up with my mate. His strong aura helps me calm down. I know I'm safe around him, it's the best feeling in the world. Donovan doesn't question why I'm so clingy at night, he says he finds it cute. Thank goodness for that. What country did I save in my past life to deserve a mate like him? The Goddess must see me in a good light, she's so generous and kind.

Slowly I forget about my personal rules and drift off to sleep. Before my nightmares can even get a chance to reach me, I'm scared awake. The terribly loud sound of a window breaking rings in my ears. I look around with my blurry eyes and see glass shards everywhere I look, the ringing in my ears getting worse. I stand up and look around hopelessly, heart beating faster than ever and fear keeping me on high alert. Everything is blurry and I can't hear anything. I want to scream but it all happens so fast, I don't know where I am.

I put my arms in front of my face to protect myself, mistakenly stepping on a shard of broken glass. It cuts through my sock and scratches my skin harshly, it hurts a lot. Despite the adrenaline I feel the pain spread up my leg. Tears rush to my eyes making it harder to see and I feel more and more panic rise up in my chest. It's hard to breathe, hard to see and I can't hear. For a moment I can't think of anything except Donovan. Is he safe?

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