Chap 33; Fängslad

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"I try to reach for the light, but all I can see is darkness"


⚠️ Wounds, bruises ⚠️

"Who was that man mommy? Why did he visit you?"

Maryann clings to her mothers leg, big toddler doe eyes staring upwards. Marigold looks away from her daughter with guilt. Because of her, Maryann must suffer. She's doomed to a life being the victim of a witch-hunt. An actual witch-hunt. Because of her selfishness, her daughter must suffer. He... he must suffer.

"He's nobody Maryann, nobody important"

The little Moonwitch frowns. She's not satisfied with that answer. Her mother is upset because of a strange man that just walked through the door, and she can't let that go ignored. Whoever made her upset must pay.

"But mommy, you acted so strange after he left"

Marigold flinches. It's true, she warned her daughter about "other supernaturals". She hasn't come up with a plan yet, a way for her to be kept safe. Should she tell her the truth or not? What will become of her? Maybe the best decision really is to send her away. Away from her mother who can't even protect the one daughter she's supposed to have by law. The longer time Maryann spends with her mother, the worse it will get.

"He's just someone who gave you your special little powers. He won't be back again, so don't think about it too much"

Something in Marigolds voice sounds sad and forced as she speaks with kindness. She has never been the best mother, but she would never push her own problems on her own daughter. At least not more than she already has. Tears well up in her eyes as she realizes what she has done. Years have passed since then, but first now does she realize what consequences will follow.

"He won't come back?"

Marigold looks away so Maryann won't see the stray tear falling down her cheek.

"No, he won't come back"

Maryann wakes up in a haze.

She feels nauseous, way more nauseous than what is normal. Stale blood presses up her throat and she coughs it out, scared to puke while doing it. Whatever she's laying on is wet and cold, scratching up her skin. There seems to be bruises on her cheeks after laying on the cold stone floor for so long. How long? How long has she been out?

Slowly she flutters her eyes open, expecting to see light but not finding it. Her breathing is slow but quickly picking up in panic. Her heart beats faster and faster, surroundings unfamiliar and very uncomfortable. But there is something about the air that feels familiar too, way too familiar. It's so familiar it makes her freeze up in fear and ears ring. Slowly but surely, her gaze moves across the strange location.

It's dark. Water drips down from somewhere but she can't see it. Why is there so much water? Other than the cold rocks beneath her, the room is very humid and everything is wet. It's so cold and watery that she can't help but cough again, as the air feels too thick to breathe in. Her body threatens to puke at that very moment, and Maryann holds back with a hesitant hand on her mouth. At least she knows that her arms work...

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