Chap 11; The rebellion

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"Because right by her side"


⚠️ kidnapping and trafficking ⚠️

"We only have one minute to ambush before the carriage disappears to the demon world"

A younger member of the rebellion looked at Cassy in confusion. They were both hidden in the trees, watching an empty dirt road underneath them. Several more members of the rebellion were hiding around the road as well, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"A portal? Do they have a Moonwitch with them as well?"

"Yes. Rumors are going around that the butterfly Moonwitch clan has gotten involved with the illegal blood trafficking industry, and there is no doubt that it's one of their members"

Cassy felt disgusted. She was a vampire herself, and proud of that. But she could never condone vampires kidnapping humans and bringing them to the demon world, just to get their blood without paying. It was absolutely ridiculous, and one of the main things that the rebellion was trying to abolish.

A year had passed since she and Vivy had joined, and immediately the rebellion had gained more and more power. They got stronger and stronger, recruiting powerful members of big clans that felt outcasted or uncomfortable by the rules and illegal activities. Most of the top clans were corrupt and ruled this world with terror, especially for the humans. The humans were now more and more often kidnapped, killed or enslaved even though it was technically illegal. No matter the laws, the big clans still payed these trafficking companies and themselves thousands to bring in human blood to the demon world.

Currently they were waiting in the shifter dimension, where the rebellion had their base. The carriage they were waiting for must have several humans on board and a lot of illegal blood packages. The carriage would be passing through the shifter dimension from the human dimension to bypass some sort of legal loophole that Cassy didn't bother to understand. She was here to stop them, that's all she needed to know. After joining the rebellion, Vivy and Cassy had become the two lead fighters and always took charge of the biggest missions. Today was not any different.

Suddenly Cassy heard the wheels of the carriage come closer. Supernaturals didn't exactly use cars like the humans did, because cars couldn't travel through portals. Carriages that were dragged by a horse were more comfortable and easy to travel with, even though the humans considered that abnormal and old fashioned. Cassy pressed her earpiece and gave the rest of the rebellion a secret signal, patiently waiting for the carriage to come into view.

A brown horse appeared first, dragging with him a carriage with a cage that was hidden by a huge white blanket. There was no doubt about where the humans and blood packages were held, that's for sure. Two vampires were sitting at the front together with a hooded person. Cassy figured that the person must be the Moonwitch, and she would be the only one that would be hard to capture. After all, they still didn't have any Moonwitches on their side that could teleport after her or fight her.

She squinted her eyes, pressed down her earpiece and then....


Fifty members of the rebellion, including both Cassy and Vivy came flying from the trees and ambushed the carriage. Four of them restrained the vampires and the rest surrounded them, watching in frustration as the Moonwitch teleported herself away right as they reached her. They could never prove the butterfly Moonwitch clan to be guilty because they always left just before they could catch them! The vampires screamed in anger once they realized what had happened, and a few members from the rebellion stopped the horse from moving forward. He came to an abrupt stop with a neigh, and Cassy smiled in victory at their quick and perfect ambush.

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