Chap 51; The purebloods

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"Good Moonwitch"


⚠️ blood, swords, cut off limbs, battle/fighting, death ⚠️

"I congratulate you all for the successful attack towards the purple clan, who have now fallen at our feet! The Moonwitch dimension is now under our control and we have the Moonwitch troops by our side, for good reason"

The ancient castle by the shifter-demon loophole stands tall over everything else. It has protected the shifter-demon loophole city for hundreds of years, provided peace and prosperity in such a complicated area. The summer sun shines upon the stone fortress, and all rooms are warmed up with fireplaces for the special guests. The city is filled with them, around fifty thousand soldiers, waiting for the rebellions next command.

The nature around the castle is in full bloom, the mid summer is hot and stuffy, not very ideal for a war. But inside the castle the rooms are relatively cold, as the chilly stone material cools down the air. The leaders of the rebellions clans, some small and some big, have gathered in the big meeting room. Among them are Cassy, Vivy, Marcellus, Donovan and other clan leaders and famous generals. Maryann is there too, sitting right next to Ari, their common leader. Her expression is calm, but her mind is elsewhere. Her two mates glance at her from time to time, and at Donovan as well.

The battle that they fought two days ago has gotten a name as the rumors spread across the dimensions. The battle of the red sun. It symbolizes that they used a new kind of poison to end the Moonwitch leaders life, and that they managed to get it done before nighttime, in just a few hours. Even the people of the human world are talking about it. They are surprised, in a good way, that supernaturals are finally standing up for them to stop this kidnapping crisis. To stop these tyrant clans. Several shifter clans, along with Moonwitch clans have joined their cause in a matter of days. Their army has grown in number, and so has their threat. The Earth clan is beyond alarmed at this point, and have declared war through the pureblood clan, who they have wrapped around their little finger.

"Now our army has grown, and the threat is bigger than ever before. The pureblood clan has declared war on us, and we must act quickly. The first, and hopefully last pureblood battle, will be held outside their clan at sundown in two days. We have but 48 hours to rest, train and gather our troops outside their clan, which is why I called this emergency meeting."

Ari's voice booms through the big meeting room. The sun has already sunk down the horizon, and the faint light shines through the glass windows. Servants of the castle run around lighting candles and tending to the fire, but other than that the leaders are alone. Cassy and Vivy sit on Ari's left side, and Maryann on his right. Next to Maryann is Donovan, and next to the alpha sits his brother in law, Marcellus, who is on tense terms with the shifter. The other clan leaders fill up the rest of the seats, and on the complete other side of the table sits none other than the majestic, powerful, all mighty shifter king. The alpha of the biggest, strongest and richest pack of the shifter dimension. After the successful battle he decided to officially join their cause.

"Today we must agree on a strategic plan, but before then Maryann shall have the word, and mention a certain setback"

All eyes turn to the purple haired witch leader, who's ice cold eyes stare back. She stands up, her beautiful Moonwitch dress following gracefully. There are bags under her eyes and dried blood under her fingernails, both for the exact same reason. Vivy looks at her mate with comforting eyes, knowing what the "setback" is already. In fact, most people already know, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth mentioning.

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