Chap 24; Herbal tea

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"When do you think she'll wake up?"

"Shhhh! She's still sleeping!"

"Don't  'shhh' me!

"Oh you mean like this? Shhhhh!"

"You little-"

Maryann woke up to the bantering of her two mates, slowly opening her eyes and adjusting to the light. By the looks of it, it was already mid day, the sun peeking through the windows and both of her mates standing fully dressed above her. Cassy was playfully strangling Vivy, while the demon was laughing and teasing her mate. The vampires red hair was tied up in a ponytail, the overall shade of the hair now darker when put together.

Maryann's eyes widened at their fighting, wondering what the heck had happened to get them to that point. But that was the least of her worries, suddenly remembering everything from yesterday.

They came to the shifter dimension, she left her school and studies behind, they said goodbye to Donovan and Dario and... then they came to the rebellion. At the rebellion, the place where she hid her face out of fear, and then passed out from overuse of magic. The Moonwitch closed her eyes, feeling her powers run through her veins. It seems like she had fully recharged over the night, feeling more powerful and her bruises healing faster.

She sat up from her laying position, her mates immediately noticing her and letting go of each other. Almost as if Cassy hadn't just been choking her own mate, she turned around with a bright yet worried smile.

"You're awake!"

Maryann nodded awkwardly, still not used to waking up with people around. She didn't know how to feel about their loving gazes or positive words. She had never experienced such things before. And deep inside her head there was a voice screaming at her, telling her that she wasn't cut out for being a good mate. She should just give up, convince her mates to reject her.

But on the surface Maryann knew that even if she didn't want to be someone's mate, she had no other choice. Leaving her clan, leaving her school and even leaving both the human world and the Moonwitch world was enough to keep her as unstable as ever. If she didn't keep her mates around, she had nothing.

"I hope I didn't cause too much of a hassle last night"
Maryann spoke timidly, hands gripping at the bedsheets. Before her two mates could answer, she quickly looked around to see where she was. A blush spread across her cheeks as she realized that she had been laying next to her mates all night. The bed under her was a king sized bed, usually for two people but more than enough for three. The thought of sleeping next to her mates all night sent shivers of embarrassment down Maryann's spine, making her flustered.

"Stop worrying so much, you were really cute last night, and we were the ones who couldn't take care of you properly"

While Cassy spoke Vivy walked up to the kitchen, scrambling around to warm up the food for Maryann. The Moonwitches stomach grumbled quietly at that, the thought of food for the first time in a long while making her mouth water. She had no idea what kind of food there was to offer in the shifter dimension, but she hoped it was more than raw steak. Witches and Moonwitches liked plants and soup, different spices and flavors mixing together. It was only the shifter blood in the Moonwitches veins that liked stake, but overall meat wasn't her favorite.

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