8 A Very Supernatural Christmas: Part 4

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When we got back to the motel, Dean said he needed to go out for a bit.

Shortly after he left, Sam said the same thing and left too. I was relieved because I hadn't had the chance to finish Sam's picture, and I had a drawing planned for Dean as well, so I got to work right away.

Almost two hours later, Sam came back and quickly closed the door behind him.

I looked up from putting my finishing touches on Dean's drawing. "Is everything okay?"

Sam nodded and rushed over, setting several bags down on one of the beds. "Yeah, I'm fine, but I need your help really quick."

I hopped up and quickly tucked my drawings away. "What's up?"

"I don't know when Dean is gonna be back, and I want to get this place set up for Christmas," Sam said.

"Really?" I smiled up at him.

Sam shrugged. "Yeah, I've been thinking about it, and you've never really had a Christmas, and it'll be Dean's last chance to have one with you."

I smiled as tears formed, but I quickly shook them off. "Okay, yeah. Let's do this."

Sam and I got to work decorating the room, wrapping our presents, and spiking some of the eggnog just in time for Dean to walk in.

"Hey! You get beer?" Sam asked, holding up a cup of eggnog.

Dean looked around the room, amazed. "What's all this?"

"What do you think it is? It's— It's Christmas." Sam smiled.

"What made you change your mind?" Dean asked.

"Here, uh... try the eggnog." Sam stepped forward and handed Dean a cup. "Let me know if it needs some more kick." He shook a bottle of whiskey.

Dean sipped it, coughed, and then looked surprised at the taste. "No, we're good."

"Yeah?" Sam asked happily.

Dean smiled. "Yeah."

Sam turned away, and Dean made a face at me like the drink was toxic. I giggled softly.

"Good. Well, uh, have a seat. Let's do... Christmas stuff, or whatever," Sam said and sat down on the couch.

Dean pulled up a chair and looked at our Christmas tree, decorated with lights and air fresheners. I sat down on the couch with Sam.

"All right, first things first," Dean said and pulled two packages wrapped in brown paper out of plastic bags. "Merry Christmas. Sam."

Sam smiled and took the gifts. "Where'd you get these?"

"Someplace special." Dean smirked. "The Gas Mart down the street."

Sam laughed.

"Open them up," Dean said.

"Well, great minds think alike, Dean." Sam reached under the couch and handed two packages wrapped in newspaper to Dean and one to me.

"Really?" Dean laughed.

I smiled. "Thanks."

"There you go." Sam smiled.

Dean gestured for Sam to open his gifts. "Come on."

Sam opened his first gift and laughed. "Skin mags!"

Dean nodded, satisfied with Sam's reaction.

"And..." Sam opened the other gift. "Shaving cream."

"You like?" Dean asked.

Sam smiled. "Yeah."

Dean opened his present from Sam. It was a candy bar and a bottle of motor oil. "Look at this. Fuel for me and fuel for my baby." He smiled. "These are awesome. Thanks."

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