Is this all I'm worth?

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Is this all I'm worth?

People can only give you the love that they know,
and sometimes you're going to want more.
We can't blame each other because our love doesn't line up,
if we want something more then we can go find it.
But I found you lost and wandering the streets,
like a stray that was born without a home.
Or worse,
was taken into one then kicked out after growing accustomed to it.
I took you in and helped you rebuild yourself,
all while I was still broken,
and am still broken.
You see I am always broken,
yet I always try and tend to others because I know what it's like and I know how to help.
But, is this all I'm worth?
Begging for love after giving all I have?
Don't say you don't deserve me,
be what I deserve because I don't want anyone else.
Don't say you're not enough for me,
please just be enough because if not i'm left wondering what's wrong with me.
They say "the one" is someone you won't have to beg for anything from,
but communication is key so how will anyone know how to help me if they just assume?
Maybe this is just how my story is,
maybe I should give more love to myself than I do to others,
maybe I shouldn't build others up when I'm still dragging myself across the floor trying to wake up every morning,
maybe I shouldn't ask for better,
maybe I should be better.
For myself.
Maybe that's what I'm worth.

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