venus retrograde

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i've been thinking about you lately,
only every now and then-
and i know we speak,
but i stop myself from reaching out so often-
i don't want it to be a habit.
so imagine my surprise when i saw you in your car-
the sun was so bright i could've sworn it made me see something that wasn't there.
but you were.
rolled down the window and spoke for a moment or so,
caught up on the last few days where we pretended we didn't exist-
it was for our own good.
the less we bring each other back into our lives-
the better.
i have to wonder-
if she wasn't there,
would you have invited me to sit?
if she hadn't called,
would you have gone with me instead?
if i wasn't there,
would you have told her you loved her too?
we all know you do-
so why didn't you say it?
your lives are so connected,
you may as well be one.
but i can't help but wonder,
do you ever wonder if it could have been me?
venus retrograde always makes me dream

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