I Made a New Friend...

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I made a new friend,
He's just like you, the sarcasm, the jokes, the car, he even lives close to where you used to.
It was so hard at first, it still is
Whenever I drive to his place I have to think "don't turn, keep heading straight"
My heart thinks I get to go see you so it wants to turn to your old home.
But it's not yours anymore, so even if I did, you wouldn't be there.
And even if you were, I wouldn't be welcome.
I didn't try to replace you, no one could ever replace you.
I wonder if you see me in others too or if I'm something you pretend never happened.
I wish I could pretend you never happened.
But that would make repeating history too easy, and he may be just like you, but he's not you.


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