just a crush

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i love when i look up at you,
i really do love the view.
you look into my eyes like you can see my every thought-
and when you stop i can finally breathe again.
i didn't even know i was holding my breath.
maybe that's why i was light headed,
and it wasn't just the way you made me feel-
it could be the lack of oxygen to my brain that made me forget every word i know when you said hello.
god i get so quiet when i see you-
i never know what to say.
words are never enough when i look at you and yet when i manage a few it's as if i was a child learning phrases from alphabet soup.
you lift me off my feet-
both literally and metaphorically,
and i forgot what that was like.
you make me feel like i'm the only one you see and i would give anything for that to be true.
i know when my face is flushed,
and my heart is screaming out to you,
words get caught in my throat,
and my eyes light up at the sight of you,
it's just a crush.
let's keep it that way,
so i always have something to look forward to-

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