wrong person, right time

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Right person, wrong time.
That concept has kept me trapped in a cycle continuously circling the thought
"It was so perfect, it seemed so perfect, but maybe another day"
We always find each other no matter where, why, or how,
And yet we refuse to understand that "another day" isn't meant for us.
These years have been spent extending a lust that will never be satisfied,
You come and go and I let you,
I will hold on to every moment that I can have of you,
Any bit,
As pathetic as that all sounds.
I'm starting to think it was the wrong person but the right time,
I was ready to fall in love with you,
And I did, I was ready to be just for you,
And sadly,
I was.
The only time I would look at anyone else was when you did,
It was more from jealousy than anything else.
You were the person that I wanted to commit to,
Be with.
That was my mistake.
From the very first time we came into each others lives,
I will always take the blame for that,
Although you are the one that did all the damage and caused all the pain,
You're the one that had replacements of me lined up,
Didn't even hesitate to put someone else before me,
I take the blame,
I let you hurt me,
I fell in love with the wrong person.

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