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A tragedy,

I loved rom coms but we would be idiots to believe that is what our story was ever meant to be.

You and i were destined to live a tragedy from the start.

"Murder at the hands of her lover, the cause? Ultimate betrayal"

What an ending don't you think?

Sometimes it felt like every day was an ending,

But i tucked away the painful memories to try and have the pain subside,

There will always be that sharp jab, almost like a knife, in my stomach that reminds me i need to turn around.

To hide from you.

The longer i stay and speak to you then the deeper that knife goes,

It's even worse when i start to fall for your smile all over again-

The one that drew me in the first afternoon we met so far away,

When i notice the charm in your eyes and the shift in your voice-

Its almost as though when you look at me, you forget there are others around-

And i can hear a playful and sweet tone in your voice that will always be there in my mind,

God when you hold out your hand to show me something and our fingers brush ever so slightly.

The knife starts to turn.

I know you don't have the same feeling.

You're the reason i'm bleeding out in the middle of this busy room.

I never did anything to you for that feeling to be engraved in you like it is in me-

It was always you.

You were the only one for me despite the lives you were hiding when i wasn't with you,

The sweet secrets you whispered to others that i thought were only for me,

The reason i refuse to trust people to this day.

I need this knife out of me so i can finally breathe.

Dont worry, i won't hurt you back-

I once tried years ago but you can hide your tracks better than anyone else,

All my cards were laid flat for you,

Albeit with blood stains and tears.

Maybe it's good I can't remember all the times I had to pull over on the side of the road and let out a scream that reached the depths of my soul and often the cars near me,

It's preferred that i don't hold onto all the times you would put someone you barely knew before me,

My therapist appreciates that i no longer grind my teeth and hold back tears at the thought of your name because of all the truths i was biting down on my tongue.

Even tragedies deserve an ending.


Lets allow it to end.

My (endless) YearWhere stories live. Discover now