time for me

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Time is passing and the pain has finally faded
I finally passed one of these tests,
Maybe not with the flying colors we had all hoped,
But I put myself first enough to show that I understand my lesson.
That I won't allow myself to be treated in a way I do not deserve,
Whether you were capable of treating me better or not isn't in question.
It's not my concern in what way you treat others,
Simply how you treat me.
In your eyes you treated me the best way that you could,
And to you it was enough,
But for me it was painful.
So I finally decided that I wanted something more than you,
And I don't mean that in a hateful way,
You also wanted something more than me.
You're having the time of your life and hopefully growing along the way.
I'm growing into myself, finding who I truly want to be rather than who I was molded into.
I'm proud of you for going the distance for yourself and those you care for.
I hope you're as proud of me for finally taking a step towards loving myself more,
Even if that included having to leave you.

My (endless) YearWhere stories live. Discover now