The Only Option

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I don't like change, in fact I loathe it.
Why do things have to change?
I don't spend months planting, watering, and growing my seeds only for when they bloom roses to want to change them into tulips.
There is so much energy and care that goes into growing plants,
into growing anything.
Friendships, relationships, self esteem even.
We tend to them, protect them, shower them with love, and hold them close to our hearts,
As we should,
this is our creation, our child,
this has now become a part of us.
So why?
Why must people leave after all the work and love put into things?
And why do I feel like I have to leave?
I've given so much love, and water, and taken so much care of you,
But you haven't done the same for me.
We shouldn't expect others to treat us how we treat them,
And I know if you knew how I felt you'd tell me you could never give me everything I ask for.
But you ask it all of me?
So I lay in my bed counting the stars in my room,
rather than naming them I give them reasons why I love you,
Then reasons why I shouldn't leave.
But the fact alone I'm trying to count and struggling to name these stars and give them their reasoning for shining so bright,
Shows that the decision has been made for us already.
I hate change,
but sometimes, it's the only option.

My (endless) YearWhere stories live. Discover now