"She's mean"

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"Stop being so mean"
"Why are you so mean"
"Your friends are nicer"
I was not born to please a single soul,
My parents birthed me
They and my community raised me
I have an ounce of all my surroundings and experiences guiding me
"You're so mean"
Am I mean or am I not silent and compliant?
Am I mean or do I say as I feel rather than what you want to hear?
"She's nicer"
Is it because she doesn't argue?
Is it because she complies and humors you?
Tells you what you want to hear so you can calm down?
"Why aren't you nicer?"
Why aren't you?
Why do you wish to change me and yet we must accept you as you are?
Your blatant hatred,
Your rude statements
Your anger,
Your disregard for others emotions and opinions,
Your lack of empathy.
I am mean because I can be
Because no one has the right to tell me otherwise

My (endless) YearTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang