Winter Pt.3

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Today I remembered why I'd see you so often.
My house harbored hatred and I longed for home, you, or yours rather.
All the homes, all 3, and your family and their love.
I always felt so warm and safe.
Even these days when it'd be dark so early, I'd spend as much time with you as I could.
I was always scared of the dark, but seeing you all left me full of light and I wouldn't mind the drive.
once, we both fell asleep in each other's arms.
My parents were calling but you didn't want me to leave so we fell deep.
We woke up in a panic and to so much yelling.
You drove so fast and kept apologizing, it was all out of love.
As the days grew shorter, there was nothing more that I wanted than to spend longer with you and yours.

I'm scared of the dark again, but not for the same reasons.
Now I fear that the light I saw in you, I'll find in someone else.
I'd rather be scared of the dark than something I once loved.

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