Chapter Thirteen.

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Liana's POV.

I woke up earlier than usual, mainly because I didn't have any sleep at all due to the anxiety I was feeling. I got home later than usual yesterday and surprisingly, I met Velma waiting for me. Initially, she thought I have been kidnapped but I told her I had to work overtime which isn't a complete lie. I did work overtime just to follow Pharrell. It was 5:30 am and I won't probably leave the house until seven yet I went to have my bath and searched among my clothing for the best one. I ended up picking one of the dresses Heath bought for me. Which was a velvet above the knee bodycon dress. It wasn't short, just a little above the knee, hugging my body like a second skin. It felt tight but I felt beautiful in it. I noticed that a slight bump has appeared making this pregnancy feel quite real. Until now, I still can't believe I am with a child for the love of my life. Passing my hand across the bump, I whispered to it, wishing it could hear me and share in my excitement.

"Hey jelly bean, I am happy to be carrying you. You know why? It's because you are conceived out of love. And today we are going to meet daddy and tell him about you."

The time was going slower in that, after bathing and dressing it was just 6:45 am. I decided not to have breakfast and determined to leave the house unnoticed, I sneaked out clenching my little black purse which contains my phone, a few dollar bills, and the address I took yesterday, in my left hand.

The streets were quiet, probably because it's too early but this place is normally quiet but not dead silent as it is this morning. I wondered how I was going to go, there was no car whatsoever passing. Arggh damn it, I should have scheduled with the Uber driver yesterday.

I stood by the road for about ten minutes before I saw a car approaching but it was not a commercial car. It was this kind of expensive car that only the rich drive. I sighed heavily knowing that I might have to stand for another ten minutes. Yeah, that's how bad the quietness was. No one was out, except, those that are going to work early in the morning or the poor that are making it to their spots to beg.

Surprisingly, the black Benz stopped right before me and the driver rolled down his glass revealing a moody-looking Heath. Wow, that's a surprise.

"Good morning boss." I greeted despite the shock I was having

"Good morning Liana. We are not at work so you can call me Heath. Where are you going to this morning?" He asked looking at me from up to down realizing that I am wearing one of the clothes he bought for me

"Well, I should be asking you that H-heath. You had quite a lot to drink yesterday so seeing you this early in the morning is surprising."

"Get in the car." He didn't ask but commanded.


"Do you want to stand here all day? Don't you have somewhere to go?"

"I-I do bu..."

"Get in, I will take you there." He said out of the obvious. I wanted to refuse but looking around, I knew no car will be coming any moment from now so I rounded the car to the other side then settled in the passenger seat.

"Here," He leaned over to me and for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me but he just wanted to buckle my seatbelt.

"Thank you," I muttered, smelling his breath from the alcohol.

"You look beautiful, going to see your boyfriend?" A blush crept to my cheeks at the mention of my boyfriend. So this is real, I am actually going to see Pharrell.

"Kind of. Please just drop me off at the main street where I can get a taxi. Thank you."

There was complete silence for the ten minutes we rode together. He didn't insist to take me straight to where I was going. And didn't look my way either. He was behaving weirdly and it looked like he has two different personalities. At work he is nice to me then I meet him outside work and he barely smiles my way.

"We are here. You will be able to get a cab here." He voiced out bringing my mind back to reality. I alighted then thanked him and watched him sped away.

That was awkward. Everything about my encounter with him this morning was awkward. It was the first time since I started working for him that he didn't have much to say to me. But why is that?

Then the incident with Pharrell and I in the changing room played before me. Him, finding us in that compromising position might be the reason he is acting that cold towards me. What is even his problem? It's not as if I am a kid. I am an adult and can do whatever I want.

But Liana not in his club. You are there to work. My mind said breaking the defense I have built around this situation. I told myself that there was nothing wrong with what happened so I don't feel guilty and here goes my mind telling me what I didn't want to hear.

Standing where I alighted, I hailed a taxi then gave the address to the driver. I relaxed into the seat, trying to get rid of some of the anxiety and tension I was feeling as we neared his residence.

"Ma'am, we are here." The driver called out, bringing my mind to my surrounding.

"Oh please go further, just about two blocks from here." He did as I told him and parked like two houses away from Pharrell's house. That way I can ponder about what to say whiles I walk back to his house. I paid for the fare and alighted from the car, the driver sped off leaving me with a mixed feeling.

"Lia, it's not too late to turn around and leave." I muffled to myself, a greater part of me regretting my decision. I wanted to see Pharrell and now that I am here I don't know what to do or say.

"Hi Pharrell baby, it's me Liana. I have missed you so much, baby. Since you are too busy to come and see me, I came here to surprise you and tell you how much I love you."

Then he will be like "Oh baby, I missed you too. I am sorry that I left without notice, and I have been trying to call you but your line is not going through."

"Handsome, that doesn't matter anymore, I am here now that's all the matters. And I came with a bigger surprise. I am Pregnant. We are going to be parents. Surprise!!!"

I smiled childishly, playing the scenarios of how I wanted our little family reunion to go in my mind. Confident that everything will go as planned, I walked slowly to his house and searched for a possible way to get into the house without any problem

"Hello ma'am can I help you?" A guy from nowhere behind the gate asked bringing my attention to him.

"I-i am here to see Mr. Smith."

"Please do you have an appointment with him?"


"Oh, you must be the new househelp please come in." He opened the gate giving me access to enter. I don't know what he is talking about I sure will play along.

"Just go there, ma'am has been waiting for you."

I walked to what seemed to be the main entrance, then pressed on the bell, but not before, prep talking myself. I stood there for a few minutes before the door was opened revealing a beautiful blond lady who must be his sister.

"Can I help you, young lady?"

"I-I am Liana and I am here to see Pharrell" I stuttered due to the wild look she was giving me.

"Pharrell? How may he help you and how did you get in here? Are you one of those sluts that comes to beg from us?"

I felt offended that she thought I am a beggar and I am sure the disappointment showed from my countenance.

"No Maam, I am hi............."

"Honey who is at the door?"

Third Person POV

"Honey who is at the door?" He called out to his wife, while he sat behind the TV  watching a football match of his favorite teams. They never have visitors without an appointment so it was quite strange that his security allowed someone in without consulting them

"I don't know, just a young girl. She said her name is Liana."

He jolted up from his seat, briskly walking to the door, to prevent them from having any further convo.

"Liana? who is Liana?" He asked causing Liana who has plastered a smile on her face to frown.

He walked behind his wife but then pulled her into the house and took her position.

"Who are you?" He asked, coming face to face with a vulnerable Liana

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