Chapter Sixty-Seven

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"I told you, brother! I told you. You played with that young woman's emotions and I am sorry to say this but if she wants a divorce, I support her. If my husband had done that to me, I would have cut his dick off. Thank heavens you got a good woman." Amanda said. So angry that her brother had allowed a good woman to slip through his fingers.

"I know I am a fool Mandy. I know! You do not have to remind me of that. This is not what I need right now. I need my family. My son and his mum."

"I am sorry, but it will take a miracle for that to happen. When a woman says she is done, then she is done."

"I am sorry Mandy. How do I make her understand me? I did it for us and our son."

"I really don't know. You should have listened to me."

Three months ago.

"I can not do this Heath, I can't do this. Why? why? Why? Why are you doing this? You should have seen her. She looked wretched, helpless, and hopeless. She had lost weight. Go and get my sister-in-law of that hell hole!"

"Do you think I enjoy doing all this? It is because of her and our son that I am doing all this. If I don't, there will be no way we can live our lives in peace. It's very hard for me Mandy. Believe me. I want to be with my wife. I want to hold her and never let her go. I want to kiss Junior and tell him, how much I love him."

"I am sure there will be another way. Another way to get your peace without anyone hurting. It might not be easy for you, but have you thought of what she is going through?. If you will ask me, the only one suffering here is Liana. Please, let this plan go. Go and get her out of jail."

"I wish sis. Very soon, she will be free, and then she will get her revenge on that devil. I only need you to support me."

"No-no, I won't. You have gotten yourself in this mess, support yourself out of it. If everything backfires on you, I hope she leaves you. You don't deserve her. And for your information, she is pregnant again for you."

"W-what did you say?"

"You heard me loud and clear. There was no water in my mouth. Your wife is pregnant for you in jail. I pray this takes you out of the madness." She picked up her phone and stormed out of the hall. No matter how many times she thinks about it, she can never understand why her brother is doing this. She knows Pharrell has been a pain in their ass but to go this far just to bring him down is absurd.

"Mandy wait! Mandy!" he called out yet she didn't listen to him.

End of Flashback

She was so furious that he had dragged her into this. If Liana finds out she knew about it, then her friendship with her would come to an end since she has cut everyone who knew about the plan out of her life.

He has succeeded in taking Pharrell to prison at the expense of his marriage. It was quite unfortunate that just when he has solved a major problem in their lives, another has risen. This one, he doubt he will be able to solve. He doubt she will forgive him. He saw the pain and anger in her eyes and when she said she was done, something in him moved.

"You messed up real bad!" His mind taunted. This line has been said to him so many times after the incident yesterday. A couple of his friends who wanted to confirm the news they were hearing called and after hearing from him, they tell him that line. Some were disappointed in him whiles some hailed him for taking such a difficult decision. Some judged him and others sympathised with him. In all this, no one knew what he was feeling within. He was broken, not being able to eat nor drink anything. Liana had returned to their house and he was with his sister in her Texas apartment. She is supposed to leave for California to be with her family but she couldn't leave her brother in this condition.

Liana's POV

"Did you know about this too? Did you?" She bawled, shouting her lungs out at Melinda and Daniel. This was the side of her no one knew. For the first time, Melinda saw her really furious.

"Answer me! Did you?!"

Melinda looked at Daniel and vice versa. Daniel used his shoulders to hit Melinda's urging her to reply. When it comes to being bold, Daniel's name can never be mentioned. He is afraid of almost everything.

"W-we are sorry ma'am. We didn't mean to. We only wanted to help." Melinda mustered the courage to say.

"What! Melinda, I trusted you. I never treated you as a househelp but as an elder sister. How could you do this to me? And to think you were a witness in my court case is upsetting."

"Oh Lord no! Who can I ever trust again?. All those I trusted have betrayed me in the worst way possible. And that Includes you Daniel. If anyone can betray me, it shouldn't be you Daniel. I picked you up when you had nothing. I gave you an honorable job and even paid you five times what you have to be paid because I knew how having nothing feels like. You are the least I expected this from.

"Ma'am please fo-forgive us."

"I can't believe this. Everyone around me was deceiving me!"

"Ma'am pl............."

"Enough! I do not want to hear anything from you again. Hey you!...." She pointed to Daniel........ "Give me the car keys?"

With shaky hands he handed her the keys.

"I am going out, you two should be out of here before I get back!" The calm with which she fired them shocked them. She took her son in her arms and left the two in her house. Doing this hurt her but what they did hurt her even more. She was locked up in jail all because of a stupid plan when they all could have said the truth that would have made her free. But they testified in court knowing very well that all they were saying were not the truth. If she doesn't take care, she will forgive them and give their jobs back to them, so for this reason, she decided to leave the house for a while, hoping that by the time she gets back they would be gone.

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