Chapter Ten

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Third Person POV

"No sir we should go. I am fine."

She said even though she was far from being fine. She just didn't want to waste time which might make her late for her appointment with the doctor.

"Are you sure?"

Heath asked not convinced. He could see in her eyes that she was not fine but she assured him she was.

"Okay, wait here I am coming."

He excused himself and went back to the restaurant.

Being left alone, she studied her surrounding, admiring the architecture of the building thinking to herself that it is only the rich that can eat here. That was one main reason she refused to go in. Her dressing and status didn't fit such a place.

She could see happy couples enjoying their meals whiles smiling to each other and having little chit chats, she wondered if she would have this one day.  Still watching the people who were in the restaurants, Her eyes involuntary fell on a couple who were sitting at the far end of the restaurant. She though they were cute until she made out who the man was.


She was not sure that he was indeed the one so she made her way through the door and went to where she saw them sitting but it was empty.

"Oh God, am I hallucinating? Thought I have finally found him. Oh baby, I have missed you."

She hadn't noticed she had held her breathe until she released it.

Where are you Pharrell?. Let our love lead me to you.?

She shivered when she felt a tap on her shoulders. She turned to see that it was Heath.

"Ah! it's you boss. You startled me."

"Sorry were you expecting someone else?"

"Hmm no."

"What are you doing here anyway. I thought I have lost you."

"Sorry boss, I thought I saw someone I know."

"Okay here, take this.  It will calm you down."

He handed her a bottle of water and juice but he held the brown paper containing food he had bought for her. He gestured for them to go and led her to his car. once in the passenger seat of his car, he buckled her seat belt to secure her before driving off to the shopping mall which was just thirty minutes drive from the restaurant.

There was a deafening silent during their ride but it wasn't awkward. Each of them was lost in their own thoughts. Heath was thinking about his friend and how to make him quite womanizing whilst Lia was thinking about how real her hallucinations was. For a moment she thought she had really seen Pharrell and the next moment the sight had vanished  into thin air.

"Here, eat these. I bought it for you."

Heath said bringing her out of thoughts. He handed her the brown paper bag that contained the food he got for her. She wanted to refuse it but she knew she needed it. she hasn't been able to keep the breakfast she had earlier with Velma because of her morning sickness and constant puking.

"Thank you."

Pharrell's POV

I stopped the car in front of her apartment, waiting eagerly for  her to leave partly because I was embarrassed and she over reacting made it worse. I know what Usath said hurt her but it was the complete truth. She is a whore and nothing can change that. Or what do you call someone who fucked father and son. A whore right?

"See you tomorrow?"

She asked with her seemingly annoying voice.

"I will be busy. I have meetings to attend."

One will think  her beauty will match her bedroom skills but that was not so. The woman was not flexible and she lay there for me to do all the work. I wonder whether these are the skills she boasts of.

"Okay what about the next day?"

"I have a project to do and I can't afford to miss work."

"But baby you are the boss. A day won't be that bad."

"I got to go."

I told her, deciding that I have had enough of her nonsense. After all she has given me what I wanted from her, which I must say was poorly delivered.

She made no intention of getting out but rather adjusted her top, making her cleavage widely visible.

"Get out of my car Linda!"

I shouted authoritatively, causing her to fearfully  jump out of my car. Immediately she was out, I sped off without wasting a second.

Liana's POV

I alighted from the cab, the time on my wrist watch read 11:44 am,  leaving me with barely twenty minutes to get to the hospital. I was already at the entrance of the hospital but I had no idea where to go and which of the numerous room I should enter so I dialed the contact number on the card Velma gave me. The call was answered on the second ring and I was told by the doctor to go to the OPD for a folder to be created for me. After, I was led to his office which contained a small bed, a desk and chair and had pictures of human body parts and organ diagrams on the white painted wall.

"Welcome Ms. Jones, I am Doctor Peterson, Ms. Garcia's family doctor."

"Nice to meet doctor. Velma has told me a lot about you."

"Oh really, I hope they were all the good ones."

He asked with a wide smile.

"Oh yeah. She said you are the best."

"For that she is right. I don't mean to brag. But that's totally the truth."

He said amidst laughter this time

"We will see about that."

"So Ms. Jones what brings you here?. Ms Garcia told me that you are not feeling well."

"Hmm doctor, I am fine. Just some heartaches and nausea but I know what's wrong with me."

"Oh that makes my work easier. So how may I help you."

"First of all , I want this to be confidential. When I say confidential i mean i don't want Velma knowing anything."

"No problem Ms. Jones, it"s even against the hospital rules to share patients information. So you can trust me."

"I found out I am pregnant last week. The doctor that made the test said I am two weeks pregnant but since then I have not been to any check ups or antenatals. So that's why I am here. I want to know how my baby is doing.

"Okay. Please come with me."

He lead me to the bed, gave me a gown to change into and left his office to give me privacy. After five minutes  he entered holding a folder which I assume was mine.

I laid on the bed waiting for his next instruction.

"I must warn you that this will tickle a little because it's extremely cold."

I nodded and he took that a signal to go ahead

He pressed the gel on my stomach and smeared it all over including my abdomen. True to what he said, the gel was really cold.

He then took a rod which I learnt is called a transducer then started passing it over my stomach where he smeared the gel earlier. It didn't feel pleasant but I had to endure it.

"Hmmm, we have a problem."

His countenance has changed from that of happiness to confusion.

"What is it doctor?"

"It looks like you are not pregnant."

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