Chapter Sixty-Eight

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"Heath! Heath! what is wrong with him?" Mandy ran as fast as she could, not even parking well.

"Are you his sister?"

"Yes-yes, I am Amanda."

"I am the one that answered the call, ma'am. I saw him lying in front of my house, completely wasted."

"Oh not again. Please help me get him to the car." She pleaded with the man, who equally looked disturbed. Mandy was getting to her wit's end. Heath, for the past month, had taken on a new character of drowning himself in alcohol and all this is taking a toll on Amanda, who has left her family to be with him. He believes that is the only way to forget the pain. For a while, the alcohol does address his pain but immediately he gets sober, everything returns to square one. His sister wakes up every morning to new problems. It's either, he gets into a fight at the club or he is found lying out in the open. Sometimes, in front of people's houses and today was no different.

"Ahhhh! leave me. I-i-i- wannnnnnt to sleeeppppp. Whoooo is-is this? Liana? Liana my love is that you?"

He slurred, resisting the attempt the duo was making to get him up.

"Liaaaana, are you really here?"

"Please hold his arms," Amanda told the man.

It was a difficult task getting him into the car but they managed to do so. He was secured in the back seat of the car.

"Thank you so much and sorry for the trouble." She thanked him, very embarrassed. At this moment, she decided that she has had enough of this. She has done all she could to make her brother understand her and act appropriately since his latest lifestyle of drinking was nothing she could deal with.

When they got home, her security guard helped to carry him to her apartment. She took off his shoes, and they laid him on his bed.

This whole behavior started when Liana's lawyer, Meagan, served him with her divorce papers. At first, when she said she wanted a divorce, he thought she was not serious about it. Therefore, the divorce papers were what made him see the extent of his troubles.


"Ma'am Liana! ma'am Liana, please listen to me!" She has ambushed her at Junior's school since she has refused to see her.

Liana increased the pace at which was walking in order to avoid her. She has just taken her son to his class and was walking back to her car.

She was able to get to her car but was not able to close it as the young lady held it with determination.

"Let go of my door Annie!" She bellowed.

"Not until you listen to me." She bowed her head, unable to look at Liana.

"There is nothing to hear. You did what you thought was best for you and you got my husband to support you."

"No ma'am. He has nothing to do with it. It was all my idea. I literally forced him to accept my plan. I thought that would save you and me from Mr. Smith."

"Well done Annie. You have thought me that girls who look innocent are not always innocent. I'm glad you know you are selfish. Seriously, I do not want to hear your explanation. The harm is already done."

"I know and I am sorry. Please you can do anything you want with me but please don't hold this against Mr. Miller. He loves you so much. I have never seen this kind of love before. He was hurting every step of the way and one thing he always said was that he will rather take bullets than see you cry. We didn't plan for things to turn out the way they did and I know he is sorry. Please forgive him. I tried seducing him and I will admit that in all this I felt something for him yet all he could see was you. When you were not around, he made me feel you were because he never ceased to call your name. He told me you two have plans to make Mr.Smith pay for all his bad deeds but he didn't want you to stress. He wanted this to be a gift. It was a surprise gone wrong.

"Are you done?"


"Now leave my door. Leave my door!" She shut her door and sped off. Annie admitting that she has feelings for her husband angered her.

"Heath is mine and mine alone!" She yelled, holding the wheel so tight so she wouldn't lose control of it.

She has never felt jealous of anyone when it comes to Heath, but at this time that her marriage is at the verge of divorce, hearing that made her feel weird and jealous. Literally, that was the only thing she heard out of all that Annie said.

The fact that she wants a divorce doesn't mean she has not been checking out what he does. She thought this would give him the freedom to chase other women but so far that has not happened. Nevertheless, she reads news about him causing trouble here and there and she sees how he is destroying himself. At times she feels guilty for making him go through this. However, that guilt vanishes the moment she thinks about what he did to her

On several occasions, Amanda tried to talk to her but she didn't take heed to her pleas. She sees how worried Amanda is yet her anger blinds her.

"Please see him just one last time, then you will understand what I am talking about. My brother is dying because he can't have you. I know what he did was wrong, but please forgive him."

She recalled Amanda saying with worry.

Heath's POV

"What is wrong with you! Do you want to die?! Do you want to kill yourself for a woman who doesn't want to have anything to do with you? What has happened to your brother! You were not this weak!"

"I can't live Mandy, not when Liana is not with me. I miss her." I said like a woman who has a broken heart

"I know you love her but it is over. I have spoken to her but she won't listen to me. I know you have learned your lessons and hopefully, you will be blessed with another good woman. As for Liana, she is definitely done with you."

"Then I am done with myself."

"No, I won't let you destroy yourself. You are my brother and as your elder sister, I am to speak sense into that dumb brain of yours. You are going to do as I say. You are a man, not a woman. A very powerful man who runs clubs in dangerous parts of this country. You have dealt with dangerous men and come out victorious. Therefore, you can not lose this battle. I love Liana, but she is not the only woman God created. There are a lot of beautiful women out there. I am sure you will be lucky to have one. One who will love you and appreciate what you do for her. One who will forgive you no matter what you do. Like I said, I love Liana but blood is thicker than water. You are my only brother, so please think about me too."

"Hmmm, how am I going to love another when my whole being screams her name," I asked.

"It is not going to be easy. But it is possible. Look at you. You have become like an alien. Your beard is overgrown and your hair is bushy. You have never looked this unkempt. Tell me, assuming Liana forgives you and comes back to you, is this how you want her to see you?" She pointed out, making me feel dirty and wretched.


"Then get yourself in shape and stop drinking. For now, I am not allowing you to go anywhere, not even to the club, and I am throwing every liquor in this house away. Until you rediscover who you are, you are grounded."

"What! I am an adult, you can't do this to me."

"I am already doing it. I am tired of cleaning your mess. Please Brother, listen to me."

Author's Note.

Hi guys, just a few more chapters to go. Today, i want everyone to comment.

Tell me what you think about this story. And who is your favourite character. What scene was your saddest and which scene made you happy.

Also let me know, who is excited for Maid in Seattle like I am?

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