Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"Hey, how are you doing?" Whiteman asked, watching her take her seat opposite his.

"I am fine, thank you." Today she was more cooperative, enthused and there was a huge change in her attitude.

"I am glad. I heard what happened to you. Hope you are alright?"

She shocked Whiteman by smiling. Three days ago when he was there she was so mute and only gave short answers and when he was not lucky, no answers at all.

"I am fine. What news do you have for me today?"

"Ermm, Ermm, Umm." It took him a while to answer her. He was shocked and wanted to know why the sudden change.

"Hmm, since you are pleading guilty, your trial will be precise and short. But there is a problem."

This wiped the smile off her face. She stared at him with wide eyes, waiting for him to tell her what the problem is.

"Pharrell has filed for sole custody of your son, and I am afraid the jury will permit that since you are in jail for a grave crime."

"Damn that jerk!" She slammed her fist on the table, her anger getting the best of her. She woke up in a happy mood but Pharrell always has a way of bringing the worst out of her. He is taking advantage of her situation to let the judge rule in his favor and to her, it was not fair at all. Whiteman made her understand that, for now, there was nothing they could do unless they prove that she is innocent of the crime she is accused of; a crime of which she has already pleaded guilty.

"So there is nothing we can do?"

"I am afraid no. But if the DNA comes out negative, then he wouldn't have your son."

"I know it will come out negative, only if he doesn't manipulate it." She muttered, breathing out through her mouth.

"He can't. In these cases, the most trusted doctors are the ones in charge and no one except the judge will get hold of the test. Anyway, tomorrow at 2:00 pm, you will be arranged before the court, and depending on the pieces of evidence and what the witnesses say, you will be judged."

"umm, So-so what will be my fate?"

"I don't know. You have pleaded guilty and in cases like these, culprits are easily prosecuted. If that is the case, we will be looking at forty to fifty years in prison. The worst will be life in prison. The fact that you didn't do that in self-defense poses a disadvantage. If it was in self-defense, then you would have gotten fewer years."

Liana's POV

"We will be alright, baby. We will get out of this, I promise you." I passed my hand over my flat tummy, talking to my baby. It was a bittersweet moment for me when I was told that I am pregnant again. It saddens me that I will be bringing a life into this world through these circumstances, but the joy of being a mother again surpasses that sadness.

"Have you really thought this through? Do you really want to have this child?" I found myself questioning most of the time. Even the doctor asked me this same question.

I don't know what to do. If I will be honest with myself, I am scared. I am scared of having this child without Heath here to support me. I am frightened that one day this child will question where his father is? I am scared of having a child that will hate me for killing his father.

I honestly don't know what came over me to do what I did. I hate getting hurt but that shouldn't justify what I did. If I could turn back the hands of time, I will travel back to that night and instead of letting their action anger me, I will just walk away with my heavy heart.

I know this is it for me, like Felix will say, the action is done, all I have to do now is brace myself for my sentence tomorrow.

Third Person's POV

The door to her cell was opened and a woman was taken in. The woman was weeping loudly and her voice sounded familiar which got her attention.


She stopped crying and turned to find out who called her.

"Ma'am Liana" she muffled, wiping her tears with a piece of her dress.

"What are you doing here Simona? What happened and how is Mr. Gonzalez?"

"I don't know what is happening ma'am Liana.I really don't know. I woke up this morning and was getting ready to go to the hospital when I got arrested."

"Come on, the police can't arrest you without a reason or a warrant? What did you do?"

"Believe me, I am not a bad person and I have not done anything wrong."

"I understand you more than anyone would because like you, I am not a bad person but I ended up hurting the people I love. Trust me. You can tell me anything."

"When Mr. Gonzalez woke up, you were the first he asked of. I told him I will call you but then I heard what happened. He doesn't know though. When I went back the next day, he asked me to do something for him. He told me that there is a hidden camera in his room and that whiles he was sleeping, he heard the nurses that came to check up on him talking about the possibility of me giving him the wrong medication. He said he knows I am innocent and the camera can tell us who wanted him dead. He showed me where it was and asked me to take it to the police."

"I got home that day and found the camera. Nonetheless, I couldn't watch what was on it because I didn't have the time to so I hid it. Ma'am Camine was in the house when I got there so i didn't want her to see what it was. She asked where her dad was and I told her that he has been admitted at the hospital. She got mad at me for not informing her when it happened. I didn't hear anything from her until this morning when she brought in two cops to arrest me, accusing me of poisoning him."

"Hmmm, something is not right. Carmine is a vicious woman so I believe you. For money and power, she can do anything."

"I still don't think she can do something like that to her dad."

"Let me tell you a story about myself and why I am in this situation."

Her eyes were completely dried now and her full attention was on Liana.

"I was a young girl when I met a certain man. Well, I am still young but I mean, I was a naive young girl when I met a man and fell in love with him. He was the perfect prince charming I have been dreaming about. Tall, hunky, sexy lips, and extremely handsome. In my mind and dreams, we were the perfect couple and through those dreams, I became pregnant for him. That was when all the promises he made to me started failing. The walls he had built around us also started collapsing. Then, I should have seen through his lies yet I was busy letting my love for him blind me. He left my country and returned to his. I traced him here only to find out that he is married. And to no one but Carmine. They made me live with them and maltreated me. She made her husband beat me up and they threw my body in a forest thinking I was dead. They are the reason why I am like this. They destroyed my life and trust me, though I am here and helpless, I will make them pay one day. I will take them down." She spoke with so much venom and bitterness. Her anger and hatred could be seen in her eyes.

"Oh no! that is so wicked of them." Simona exclaimed.

"Carmine is not the angel that you think she is. She is a pompous, greedy bitch that hides behind her husband's and father's wealth to commit crimes and believe me when I say that she is behind this. She wants to kill Mr. Gonzalez, take his wealth and blame you for this. Can't you see?"

"I have never thought of her as an angel ma'am Liana. I only refuse that she can do this. She hardly comes there and when she comes it is only to deliver his medi...................... Oh wait a minute!" Her eyes widen as realization hit her so hard. "She is the one that always brings his medicines."

"If that is the case then she can always switch it before bringing it." Liana said. "Why didn't you tell us that before at the hospital?"

"How could I have been so dumb?"

"Officer! Officer! let me out of here. I'm innocent." She banged her hand on the prison bars.

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