Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Third Person's POV

"W-who are you?" He stumbled back into his chair, his legs too weak to support him.

"Oh, you just said my name, or you have forgotten so soon?" She mocked.

"No, this can't be. This can't be. You were...."

"Dead? To you I was dead but to my husband and the world, I'm very alive."

He was sweating profusely, his lips shaking like it has caught a cold.

"Heath what is this?. W-what is she doing here?"

"You want to know why I'm here. You really want to know why I'm here before everyone." Liana's gaze was cold and had this burning furnace in her eyes that can strike anyone who stands in her way.

It was then that Pharrell's attention was drawn to the fact that they are not alone. Were his evil deeds going to be revealed in front of everyone? He thought. Everyone has seen his reaction and wondered what this woman has against him that can cause the stone-cold man to behave like a kid. To their amazement, he picked himself up and brought back the heartless grin on his face making it hard to believe he was the same person that was scared.

"We are done here, men. You can leave now." He said, not taking his eyes off Liana. No one made the move to leave. He had to glare at them with anger before they started rushing out leaving him with Heath, Liana, and Mark.

"Now, why are you here? What do you want?"

"The revenge." she spewed out with fury.

"Hahaha! hahaha! that's cute. Now tell me what you want from me?. If it's money you can be rest assured that I am not going to give you a penny. You are dead to me and I advise it stays that way." He held the same countenance Liana had.

"You don't know who you are talking to do you? Money is no problem to me. Even if it was, I will never accept your filthy money you earned from duping people. I am here to take you down and I will not rest until I see you ruined." She has never been this angry before. She spoke the words with gritted teeth and she meant every word.

"Good luck with that dear mistress. That is a good challenge but no one can take me down.

"Funny how you have already started to go down and you are still boasting that you can't be defeated? Well, you have started to sink and in a matter of time, you will drown. Because I Liana Jones Miller will never ever rest until your evil head is off your neck.!"

"And if you think she is alone, she isn't. So think well before you make a move. Because all your moves have been calculated and we got our eyes on you." Heath said with a huge grin on his face. He took the left hand of his wife and exited the room with her.

"Wow, babe that was fire. You have really changed and I am so proud of that."

"It's all thanks to you. You have been by me helping me regain my self-confidence and self-love. You gave me back my dignity on a silver platter. You didn't leave me to die and for that, I am very grateful. Now we have started the game and we will finish it." He placed a kiss on her lips before speeding off in the direction of their forty million dollars mansion.
Never in her life has she dreamt of becoming a millionaire yet here she was, a girl in her mid-twenties who until five years ago haven't been to a classroom before having everything she can ever think of. She has the money, the cars, the house, and above all what she considers her wealth: her son and her husband. They are what matters most to her and of course her revenge.
"You need to be honest with me Pharrell. You have to trust me so I can help you. Just tell me who this lady is and why she wants revenge against you."

"She is a nobody and I don't know why she wants to take revenge."

"Hey man, I am first of all your friend before being your lawyer. If anyone has the right to know it's me. I can help you fight against her. Trust me and open up to me." Mark was getting irritated that Pharrell has held his lips tight and is not giving any information about Liana.

"This is important dude. If this girl has something solid against you then it will be dangerous. You won't only lose your properties but you will also lose your reputation. Think about it. When you are ready to speak to me, you know where to find me." Mark gently tapped on his shoulders, bid him farewell, and turned to exit.

"She was a girl I met in Spain six years ago." He began making Mark halt.

"She was so beautiful, young, and naive. I was on a lonely business trip that was supposed to last three months so I needed someone to pass the time with. It was a harmless affair but I didn't expect her to fall for me and much more come to Texas in search of me. I don't even know how she got information about me because then, she only knew my name. Caroline, the boss of where she works said she didn't disclose who I am to her. Seeing her at my door one morning wasn't something I envisioned. It was then that I realized I have underestimated her intelligence."

"She found out I was married and couldn't accept it. She became a thorn in my flesh and made my life miserable. She didn't come alone. She came with a baby in her womb, claiming that it's mine. How absurd right?" He laughed.

"So you mean she wants revenge because you are married?"

"No no. She made my life hell. She told Carmine that she is my girlfriend and that she is pregnant. Carmine made her move in with us and guess what?"
He stopped and laughed with an evil glint in his eyes. This laughter was full of venom and anger.

"You can't guess right? Let me tell you what we did."

"We made her our maid. She looked so nice and sexy in her uniform but I couldn't bring myself to sleep with her again. She had become our enemy. She was so stubborn and every time I saw her I felt like strangling her."

Mark was shocked at what his client was saying. He kept quiet and listened carefully.

"She was living in my house as a maid and she wanted to be treated like queen. She disrespected me and my wife so I decided to show her who the boss is."
He laughed again and took a long pause making Mark uneasy. He was on the verge of his seat wanting to know what they did to the girl.

"So what did you do to her?"

"What did I do to her? Nothing. I did absolutely nothing."

"Please tell me, man. What did you do to her? Why is she so angry?"

"I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything!" He shouted.

"Please tell me. I need to help you!" Mark shouted using the same tone Pharrell used.

"I killed her. We killed her and dumped her body in a bush. I am so sure I killed her so why is she alive?"

Mark's mouth hanged open. He didn't know what to say. All he knew was his friend is in big trouble and he doesn't know whether he can get him out of it.

"Come on man, why are you looking at me like that? You don't believe I killed her? I get you. You just saw her alive. It's baffling my mind too." He erupted into laughter. Laughing until tears started rolling down his face.

"I killed her and I will do it again and again if that is what it takes for me to keep my reputation and wealth."

"Do you realize what you just said?" You have admitted to being guilty of murder. Do you know what will happen if these people have evidence against you? You are fucked up."

"I know. That is why you are here. You will help me right?" He said, his voice sounding so innocent like a child. No one will believe he was the same person speaking angrily a while ago.

"I can't promise you but I will see what I can do. For now, avoid any contact with Heath and the girl and keep out of trouble."

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