Chapter Forty-Five

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He swirled the wine in his glass. The ice cubes crushed against each other, making noise with the glass. He was deep in thoughts, with his eyes looking into space. The opening of his office door was what brought him back to reality.

"Hey man," Mark greeted, walking across the office to take a seat before him. "What are you drinking?"

He didn't reply, he only showed the glass to him. Mark reached out for a glass and helped himself with the wine.

"What is wrong man, what are you thinking about?" He asked with his brow burrowed.

"I can't believe how fast I have lost everything." He mumbled.

"Yes you have lost a lot but you will regain them with time. After the court ruling, I am sure you are going to come out victorious."

"I want this to be perfect. We do the test, present the result to the jury, get the child and everything will go back to how it used to be. I will be the mighty man I was again." He laughed mischievously.

"Yes, you will so chee--- "he stopped midway, a thought making its way into his mind.

"Wait! What if she is right? What if she is saying the truth about the child not being yours."

"There are no what-ifs. Junior is my son and that's final. Even if he isn't, I will still take him away from her! I will change that ridiculous name and give him a better one." He bawled, clenching his fist at the thought.

"Okay, so what are we going to do if the test comes out negative?"

"You don't need to worry about that, I have a backup plan." He smirked. The rate at which he switched moods was alarming. He picked up his phone and dialed a couple of digits and brought the phone to his ears. After a few seconds, he spoke up.

"Hope you are doing what I paid you to do?"

"Yes sir and it is working. Very soon, our plan will succeed, I only need a little time." The person on the other end of the call informed.

"Good, hope it does because if it doesn't, it will be your loss. Don't forget I paid you a huge amount for this."

"No, I won't sir. Trust me." With a nod, he ended the call. He took a sip of his wine, a devilish smile appearing on his face.

"Who was that?" A confused Mark asked, with his gaze intensely on his friend.

"Nobody of interest. I heard the bitch is back which means there is no need for the court order."

"Yes, that is one reason I am here. I have gotten in contact with her and she has agreed to bring the child to the hospital tomorrow for the test. The doctor says he needs some strands of  your hair and the child's."

"Okay, that is no problem. If only she will keep her word and bring him."

"Honestly, we don't need the child to be present. We only need his DNA but on second thoughts, we can't trust her if we say she should bring his hair, she can literally bring someone else's."

"I don't and will never trust that bitch. I want the sample that will be tested to be taken right before us. That is the only way I will believe in the accuracy of the test."

Liana's POV

"Arghhh!" I whined, passing my hand over the bedside table in search of the alarm clock so I can stop the noise. My head ached and the sunlight that had managed to get into the room didn't help. I wished I could have more sleep yet there were a lot of things mapped up for today. Yesterday, I had to postpone the meeting to today. Also, I have to take Junior to the hospital for the test. That lawyer didn't give me breathing space and it felt like he has been monitoring me.


"Why are you overreacting? I chose to take my son to school because that is what he is MY SON! Is anything wrong with that? And why are you talking as if buying food with his nanny is like having sex with her? Since you are so interested in what happened let me tell you."

"I had some free time this morning and chose to take him to school today. On our way back, we saw this old man selling tacos. I pitied how he was hustling in the sun so I paid for all the Tacos he was selling. Are you happy now?"

"No, No am no!" I pulled my hand away from his and continued my walk to our bedroom, banging the door behind me when I entered. I was exhausted and different scenarios of Heath and Annie kept playing before me. Why can't I believe what he is saying? Am I thinking too deep into this? It was almost three in the afternoon and earlier I have canceled a meeting I have with some clients. I have rescheduled it for tomorrow. I dialed my PA's number and was about to press the call button when a call came in. It was from an unknown number. Usually, I don't pick up strange numbers and I don't even know why but I picked this one.


"Welcome back Mrs. Miller, we have been waiting for you."

"What do you want?" his voice was the last I wished to hear. Hearing him made me irritated. I need a reminder for this day and date. I need to write it down as one of my cursed days.

"Relax, I am not calling to fight with you. I only called to remind you that, the next hearing is in a week and we have not done what the judge requested."

"How did you get my contact?"

"I got it from my client."

"Okay, so what do you need me to do?" my voice was cold and unwelcoming.

"We will need some samples of the boy's DNA so you need to come along with him to the hospital."

"I will be there," I said and cut the call after he had given me the details of the hospital and the time we have to be there.

"Ma'am, your lunch is ready, will you eat at the table or should I bring it here?" Melinda inquired.

"Where is my husband?"

"He is at the table, waiting for you."

"Bring my meal here."


"Hey, you are awake?" Heath asked. He was standing by the window, looking out.

"Babe, I am sorry that I stood you up yesterday. I know there is no excuse that can justify it. It was an important day and I shouldn't have forgotten about it." He apologized. I ignored him and walked to our bathroom. I thought that should end it yet he followed me and hugged me from the back.

"I am truly sorry, I will make it up to you. You know I hate it when we fight."

"If you hate it then why do you keep on doing stuff that brings problems between us? I was away for five days. I was worried about you and couldn't wait to get home to make things right between us. First, you missed the first hearing of our son's paternity case, this time you ditched me for the same girl.

"I am sorry. I promise it won't happen again."

"I forgive you." I muttered.

Hello lovelies, please don't only vote but please leave your comments. The next chapter is ready. For me to post it, Please tell me what you think about this story, who is your favorite character, what you have learned from this story, and then your suggestions. Thanks so much.

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