Nineteen Part Two

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Pharrell's POV

The past few days have been horrible for me. It was like I am on a rollercoaster trying to find a solution to my problem and how to terminate the lazy stupid girl out of my life. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, all I could do was to think. So I drunk myself to sleep most of the time and yesterday wasn't an exception. After the four full bottles of tequila I had yesterday, I slept off immediately my friends brought me home. I do not remember how I got to my bed but I am grateful I did. A sweet aroma passed through my nose causing my eyes to flutter open. I felt hungry instantly and quickly got out of bed, a decision I regretted. My head was throbbing and with the speed with which I stood, I felt dizzy and could barely stand. Since I have not moved an inch from the bed, I slowly sat down, reaching out for the jar of water and panadol that were on my bedside table. I took two tablets of the painkiller and drank two cups of water in an attempt to get rid of the pain. It always works for me. Minutes later, I felt the pain subsidizing and becoming bearable. I stood up and left my room, wanting to satisfy my hunger.

"Hey darling what are you making? is it my birthday?"

I asked placing a kiss on her lips. The dining table was set with more food than we normally have. There was an additional seat that was set.

"Are we having any visitor?" I asked, my eyes still set on the dining table.

"Hmm yes, sorry I forgot to tell you. Actually, she should be here by.......""

Ding dong! She was interrupted by the door bell.

"Oh she is here. Dear can you get the door." She asked giving me no choice than to receive our unknown visitor.

"W-what a-are you doing here?" I bellowed seeing who was at the door. What will I do to make her understand that all that happened between us was a huge mistake?. "Please leave before my wife gets out." I said ignoring the other bitch that was standing behind her.

"Oh Liana, you are here, come in." Carmine shocked me, being all smiles with the girl who is trying to ruin our marriage. Does she believe her now? What is going on?

"Carmine, what is going on here? You invited her?"

"Yes I did, what is wrong with that?"

"Sorry Carmine, Velma and I have a doctor's appointment but we decided to pass by first."

"Arrgh, why will Carmine do this?"

"No problem, come in." She said smiling through out. If I didn't know her, I would have believe it was a genuine smile. They ignored me and walked past me into my living room.

"Make yourselves comfortable, breakfast is almost ready." I heard her telling 'our' guests. I was so furious and my fury was not directed to my wife but to the little bitch.

"Babe, close the door and come and have your seat. Breakfast is ready. Why are you standing there any way? " She said, using her eyes to tell me to comply with her. I closed the door then walked past them in the direction of my room.

"Where are you going dear husband? I said breakfast is ready."

"Errrm sorry to interrupt but Carmine, I will like to use your washroom." The bitch said, earning a frown from me. She is in my house, in my living room, wanting to use my washroom. Why does it feel like she thinks she has a right to what belongs to me?

"It's on the left down the hallway." My wife said then turned her attention back to me.

"I am not hungry. She makes me lose my appetite." I told her, referring to Liana.

I resume my walk to the bedroom leaving my wife speechless. I was frustrated, angry and lost at the same time. I still couldn't answer why my wife was doing all this. Perhaps she believes her now. I sat down on my bed when I got to the room and pondered over what was going on.

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