Chapter Fifty-Six

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Bang! Bang! She involuntarily fired, there was a loud shout and as if cold water has been poured on her, she realized what she had done. She let go of the gun, and she allowed herself to fall to the ground. The tears had stained her dress and steamy fresh ones were rolling out of her eyes.

She has taken her revenge, but why doesn't it take away the pain that she is feeling? Why doesn't she feel right?

"Noooo! Noooo!"She groaned. The loud sound of the gun caused the other occupants of the house to ran up to her room. First was Melinda then Daniel, the chauffeur.

"Oh no, ma'am what have you done?" Melinda asked. Daniel kicked the gun far away from her. And they both rushed to the bodies. One was on the bed and the other lay on the floor lifeless.

"Melinda, hurry call the ambulance, I will call 911." Daniel instructed. All this while, Liana, sat on the floor, with an emotionless face. The only emotion she showed was her tears. She sat there until the paramedics arrived and took the two away.

"Mrs. Miller!"

Someone called, standing at her back. She didn't turn to look at who it was. Her eyes were looking into space and she looked like she has lost connection with reality.

"Mrs. Miller, you are under arrest for the murder of Ms. Annie Middleson and Mr. Heath Miller, your husband." Three cops have surrounded her. Two helped her to her feet when she was not making an attempt to stand up. She willingly gave them her fists and the third cop placed the cuffs around them. They escorted her out and their bedroom was marked as a crime scene. When they got outside, the two bodies were being placed in the ambulance. Melinda and Daniel's statements were taken after Liana had been taken into the back seat of the police car. Melinda was crying. She had never dreamt of seeing such a tragedy. She knows how good her mistress is and she knows she doesn't deserve this. She knows those two pushed her mistress to the wall so, in a way, she didn't blame or judge her. If anything, she was sympathizing with her. She would have done the same if she had been in her shoes.

The siren of the ambulance, the police car, and the noise of people walking in and out of the house woke Junior up, who immediately started crying. He was now alone upstairs. He got out of bed, calling for his parents. Melinda saw him at the top of the stairs and walked to him, taking him into her arms.

"Hey, baby are you okay?" She asked him.

"Where is mummy? I want to go to mummy." The way the boy spoke insinuated that he felt something was wrong.

"Mummy isn't back from work yet, Let's go back to bed."

She managed to calm him down. Told him a bedtime story and watched over him while he slept. In the meantime, Liana has been driven off to the state's police station.

As she sat in the back seat of the police car, she zoned off, playing memories she had with her husband in her head. From the time she met him at the club when she was looking for a job, to their current situation, minus the part that she killed him.

"I heard you are looking for me."

"You are the boss?"

She asked sassily. She had heard when she was in Spain that club owners are mafias, so she was expecting someone who had covered his entire body with tattoos

"Yeah, I sure am. Anything I can help you with?

"Ermm, I am Lia. Just moved here from Spain and I was wondering if you........

She replayed their first encounter over and over again.

She also remembered the time he took her shopping for new clothes because he didn't like the dresses Martina gave her to wear. She could still see him smiling at her as she comes out to ask his opinion about each dress she tried out. Scenes of the day he saved her in the rain also played before her. she cried at the remembrance of the care and attention he showed her and how he fired her on that same day because he wanted her to be safe and healthy. Then fast forward to their first date. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon at the beach. He flew her to Hawaii just to have a peaceful picnic by the sea with her. That was where he proposed to her several months later. It was after her trip to Spain to visit Gladys and to heal from the trauma Pharrell caused her when he beat her up and dumped her body in the bush.

"Mrs. Miller we are here, please come out." The officer who was sitting by her in the backseat said politely. It was amazing how respectfully he was treating her considering the fact that she just killed two people. Normally, a murderer is treated badly and with contempt by cops but her case was different. Is it because she is rich?

She got out of the car and walked by the cop while the two other cops led them into the police station where she was interrogated. Through it all,she didn't say a word. Neither did she answer any of their questions. When it was clear that she was not going to speak, they were asked to place her in a cell.


He ran downstairs in such a rush that confused his wife who was sitting in the living room watching a reality show. He reached out for the remote and changed the station.

"What the fu..........." . Her words were caught up in her throat when she saw what was on the TV. It was the morning news and flashing on it were pictures of Heath and Annie and there was an interview with Annie's mum, who wept that she had asked her daughter several times to return home. The headline was reading:


"Wow, this is great news." Carmine smiled, "finally the bitch got what she deserves." She rejoiced. Her husband had a wide smile on his face.

"Yes! This is good news." He exclaimed and held his phone by his ears, waiting for the person he was calling to pick up.

"Hello Mark I have seen it, this is the best news I have received in a long time. The heavens are on our side. Who did she think she is to stand up against me? I will make sure she rots behind bars."

"Victory is ours now. With this, the judge is going to give you full custody of the child."

"That is so great. So tell me, how many years do you think she will be sentenced to?"

"Ermm, taking a life is a very serious matter. Now she has taken two lives. You can expect her to spend about forty years in jail or she can be sentenced to life in prison."

"I want her to suffer, I want her to pay for all the troubles that she has brought into my life since the day I met her."

"She will, there is no way she is getting out of this. And what's more. Now with her in prison and her husband dead, the only heir to her and her husband's wealth is the little boy. If proven that he is your son, you will have all their money in your possession."

"This is good news. We need to celebrate. Let's go to the club tonight."

"Sure. I will also find out when she will be arranged before court. I am sure you would love to go."

"Of course. I want to see the defeated face of the murderer." He laughed.

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