Chapter Thirty-Six

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Third Person's POV

"Flu huh?! So if the flu was that serious, where has it vanished to suddenly? You should be in bed by now. And can you explain why you came out to him half-naked?" She asked sternly to which the younger woman kept quiet for she knew not what to say.

"Can't answer right? That is all I need Annie. I don't want to talk about this again. Leave."

Her son has closed his eyes and was fast asleep despite the two adults talking in a not too quiet tone. She didn't wait for Annie to leave the room before laying down beside her son. She placed the lights off and cuddled with him, giving no more attention to the nanny. Frustrated, Annie left the room.

She was immediately attacked by Heath whose eyes had turned to a darker shade of blue due to anger. He dragged her away to one of the guestrooms and threw her against the door when he had locked it.

"What are you trying to do bitch? What game are you playing?" He asked with his nose flaring and his teeth gnashed. There was danger in his eyes which made Annie scared. This is the second time she has seen him this way. But this was far dangerous than the first time. She feared for her life as she was being lifted off the ground by her neck.

"P-p-lease, let me go." She begged. Tears has started to fall out of her eyes and she looked hopeless.

"Tell me. What mind game are you playing with me?!"

Heath's mind went to the incident that happened today and couldn't understand the happenings.

13 hours earlier

"Boss the Italians have canceled the meeting. They said they had an impromptu situation and are demanding a rescheduling." Martina, whom he had promoted to the role of his assistant informed him.

"Okay." He replied, not looking up from his computer. Martina walked to him, took the glass of vodka from him, and attempted to sit on his lap.

"What are you doing!" he yelled at her.

"Come on boss, it's been a while. Since you got married to that girl, you have not been paying attention to me." She whined, complaining bitterly about the lack of attention.

"What did you just say?" He dared her to repeat it.

"I said ever since you got married yo....."

"Stop right there. You just said so yourself that I am married. That means I am off-limit. I will ad......"

"But you were mine first. And you have never resisted me before."

"Oh dear Martina, I have been resisting you for almost six years now. I thought I warned you to keep this professional if you want to keep your job."

"I thought you were joking. Don't tell me you have never had any woman aside that girl since you married her. I knew sooner or later you will cheat on her and then I can have you back." She mocked him.

"Get the fuck out of here."

He shut down his computer, took his coat, and walked out of his office, pushing her out of his way. It was still morning and since it was a club, he had worked throughout the night. He was only waiting to meet with the Italians but since they can't make it, he must as well leave. He got into his car and without second thought drove away.

He got home ten minutes later to meet his breakfast fixed on the dining table. The house was eerily quiet. He later found a note from Melinda that she has gone grocery shopping with Andrew, one of the chauffeurs. She also informed in the note that Annie and Daniel, Junior's driver have taken Junior to school and the other drivers had taken the cars for maintenance. The two maids are off today, explaining the reason the house was empty and quiet. The only person he met was the security at the gate.

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