Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Liana's POV

I left Gladys in awe with the restaurant I chose. It was a five-star restaurant in the outskirts of Madrid and it was in the part of the town where only the rich live.

'Wow, Lia, what are we doing here?". I do not have money to pay or lend to you. And I am not ready to wash dishes. Let's go." She said and turned to the exit. It took Julio and me to stop her.

"Woo Gladys stop tripping. You are not paying for anything and you are definitely not going to wash dishes. Today is your day and I want you to enjoy it. You have done a lot for me and this is the least I can do. I know we dreamed of doing things like this but we couldn't afford it. Now we could so please relax and enjoy yourself. You just take it as a late birthday gift."

It was somehow sad that we were this poor to the extent that we didn't deem ourselves deserving of good things.

"A-are you sure?"

I nodded and watched her relax by releasing a deep breath. I held her hand and led her to a table at the far corner of the restaurant so that she will feel comfortable. Julio pulled a chair for her and I took the seat opposite her while he sat by her. There was a certain way that he looked at her that made me feel at ease. It was like at last, she has found someone who really cares about her.

A waitress approached us just when a phone started ringing. "Sorry ladies, please excuse me. I have to take this call." Julio said and stood up. We both watched him walk away until he disappeared.

I then diverted my gaze to Gladys who still had her eyes in the direction he disappeared to.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked without looking at me.

"Hola! Welcome to La vista what will you like me to get for you?" The waitress asked.

"Erm, we are not ready yet. We will let you know when we are." I pleasantly said to which she walked away.

"So you two are a thing?" I have been meaning to ask this question for a long time and asking it now felt like a breath of fresh air. It has been bugging my mind.

"What makes you think that we are. He is just a friend."

"Is that so? Then you must like this friend that causes you to blush when you are with him."I mocked, rolling my eyes at her.

"I do not blush and I do not like him."

"Oh yeah. You need to look inside a mirror. You can not fool me. So you are done with girls?" I Pressed on to know the truth. It took a while and a lot of questioning before she admitted it.

"Okay yes, I like him is that a big deal? I guess I was not really into girls. It was just a fantasy."

"Oh dear, I am so happy for you. He seems like a good guy."

"He is. He has been so nice to me."

"But wait, how come you never told me about him? keeping secrets now?"

"No, no. You had a lot going on with you and I didn't want to bother you, and like I said, we are only friends. At least he hasn't said anything about liking me. And I knew telling you about him will get my hopes up."

"Why don't you make the first move and tell him how you fe........ so ermm what are we eating today? I changed the topic when I saw him approach our table.

"Hi ladies, made your orders yet?" He asked with a smile on his face. His eyes as usual were on my friend. How come she doesn't notice all the signs that he likes her? I thought actions speak louder than words? I guess my friend is dumb.

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