Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"Cheers to the success of Millernium Mall. It has reached twelve billion dollars net worth." Heath said, raising his wine glass and proposing a toast. It was just the two of them in Hawaii, at the same beach where they had their first date. In a matter of minutes, the conversation changed from the mall to their relationship. Heath's smile ceased and it was replaced with a serious face. He took her left hand in his and stroked it gently.

"From the first time you stepped into my office, demanding to see me, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You looked poor and wretched, but you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I saw a jewel in you: a jewel I wanted to protect with everything in me. You didn't look like someone that was cut for a job at a club, but I gave you the job because I wanted you close. Then I found out how vulnerable you are. I swore to protect you and make you happy. When I found out you were pregnant for that jerk, I was lowkey hurting within. It was like when I have found what I wanted, it was not mine for the taking. Every time you allowed them to maltreat you broke my heart. I thought you would die when you fell down the stairs but miraculously, you cheated death and you have been cheating death since then. We have been through a lot together and I can boldly say that you are the one I want to spend my life with. I don't want to lose you again, the feeling of not having you sucks and I don't want to go through that. So I must as well take my chances."

He said and got down on one knee. Liana has seen this posture in a lot of movies and had wished that one day someone will kneel before her this same way. She covered her mouth with her hands, blinking back the tears. She has been through a lot and this was the perfect blessing she needed.

"Ms. Liana Jones, will you marry this silly boy and make him the happiest person in the whole wide world?"

"Yes! Yes I will!" She happily answered.

"Mrs. Miller! Mrs. Miller! you have a visitor, let's go."

A different cop instructed, bringing her out of her daze. She looked around her, coming in touch with the reality of her situation. She has spent two days in the cell without food or water. Food was brought in for her but she refused to eat or drink anything.

"Mrs. Miller, come with me."

She got out of the cell and the cop placed the cuffs around her wrists and led her to the private visiting room.

Attorney Felix Whiteman was patiently waiting for her. She sat in the empty seat before him.

"Hi Liana, how are you?" He asked after a moment of silence. She didn't reply.

"Why did you do it?" He asked, yet again, she didn't reply.

"You need to trust and open up to me. It is only then that I can help you. Yes, I can't guarantee that I will get you out of here because your crime is a serious one, but I can help reduce your sentence."

All that he said fell on deaf ears. Liana has become a zombie version of herself with dark circles around her bloodshot eyes. Her attention was somewhere else and she ignored him.

"I do not know what moved you to do what you did, but trust me, it is not time to give up. You are a strong woman, an intelligent one too, and I know whatever it is really hurt you because I know you love your husband and wouldn't hurt him for anything. The harm is already done. What we have to do now is to see to it that you get a fair judgment. Please, Liana, don't give up. Fight, fight on like the strong woman you are. Remember, your son needs you. You are now his only surviving relative. Do you want Mr. Smith to win custody of him? Or do you like the idea of him being sent to an orphanage? I know you don't, so please talk to me."

The mentioning of her son did wonders. In all this, she forgot about him. She had been selfish and hadn't thought about what he would be going through.

"Are you ready?" Felix asked with his eyes wide open, looking at her, hoping she will give him a positive answer.

She nodded, looking sad, vulnerable, and lost. Her hair was half-matted and her lips were now dirty because of the floor she laid on.

"Good. So now tell me, what happened?"

It took her a while to talk.

"I caught him with her in our bed." She murmured.

"Oh so sorry about that. This shouldn't happen to anyone. But you know that is not enough to kill them. No reason is enough to take a human life."

I was not thinking straight. I was frustrated, hurt, and angry. I know there is no excuse that can justify what I have done and I know I will be spending a long time here. Please make sure that animal doesn't get hold of my son. Mr. Gonzalez has been admitted to the Mount Sinai hospital. Please can you find out how he is doing?"

Even in her plight, she was thinking of others. She has lost hope and has already accepted her fate. Before Felix could say anything else, she had exited the room. He release a loud breath and decided to let her be for now.


"Hey man let's go, the others are waiting for us," Pharrell told Mark who had stopped walking midway. They were at a club to celebrate their victory.

"What is it?" He asked again, referring to the frown that was on Mark's face.

"I thought that someone was following us," he answered.

"Oh come on. No one is following us. Let's go, I can't wait to get wasted today. At long last, my problems are over!"

When they got in, a fair number of people were already there. He had rented the club for the night, so those there were his circle of friends he had invited to join in his celebration.

"Babe, what took you so long!" Carmine asked, kissing him passionately.

"Sorry, I had to pick up Mark." His car was giving him a hard time.


She sat on the floor with her legs crossed and hummed a lullaby she has been singing for her son. The words of the song seem to be running away from her as she couldn't remember them. She was trying to remember when she was called.

"Mrs. Miller you have a visitor." The same cop from earlier announced. This time she was taken to a bigger visiting room. Her visitor was a woman whose back was turned to her.

"Thank you, officer." The woman thanked.

"A-A-Amanda?" Liana Stuttered.

Hi guys, Please who remembers who Amanda is? And also i want you all to relax. The book will becoming to an end and all your questions will be answered in due time.

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